19. Making Important Arrangements

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Author's Note: You're welcome ;)

Frank's POV

Letter 140
We have 10 more letter until we reach 150, Gee. I was thinking... for 150, what if we meet back up in the supply closet? I'll give it to you right there, and you can read it right in front of me. It'll be a small thing, but so special. Let me know if you want to do this. Love you.

Setting the paper down on the table, I paced back and forth in the room. I'm actually doing this, I thought to myself.

In a few weeks, me and Gerard will have known each other for seven months. We'll have been dating for most of that time. I knew I wanted something big for 200, but I had only now planned it all out.

I was going to text Gerard when I finished writing my 150th letter, and he would meet me in the supply closet.

I would give him the letter, and he would read through it. I planned on leaving it open ended, so he would have to ask what it meant.

At that point, I knew, would be the right time to propose to him.

I know six months isn't that far into a relationship, but I truly couldn't imagine myself with anyone else besides Gerard. I've thought a long time about whether or not I would want to get married yet, and I've finally made my decision.

At letter 150, we would be a little over halfway through college. If I proposed to him then, it would give us six months to plan a wedding. That was of course, if he said yes. I wanted to do the wedding right after we got out of college, and I wanted my vows to be on that 200th letter.

I knew I didn't have any reason to worry. If anything, he would just explain that he's not ready for that long term commitment yet. I had thought about the rational options in my head though, and I was pretty sure he would say yes.

Today I would go out and make all those preparations, starting with a text.

Me: Hey Gee, I know you're almost out of class. I'm going to go walk around campus to talk to some people, if that's alright.

Gerard: That's fine, Frankie. I'll be waiting for you when you get back. :)

I put my phone away and grabbed my things. I made an edit out the door and immediately began walking towards my old dorm.

Knocking on the familiar door, I waited until Corey opened it. "Hey Frank, what do you need?" He asked when he saw that it was me outside.

"Can I talk to you?"

"Sure. Come in," he said while waving his hand in the direction of the room. I stepped inside and sat on a stool, him sitting down right next to me. "So what do you need to talk about?"

"It's actually a pretty important topic, so I need your input on a few things."

"Ok, go ahead. I'm all ears."

I took a deep breath and steadied myself before speaking up. "I want to propose to Gerard. I wanted to ask for your approval first, because I know you did a lot for him in high school. I know you care about him a lot, so I figured I'd talk to you first."

He stared at me for awhile, before a smile broke out onto his face. "Really?" I nodded. "Oh my god, Frank, this is going to make him so happy! Come here." He stood up and gave me a tight hug before patting me on the back. "Of course man, I'm so happy for your decision."

"Thank you so much, Corey. I promise I won't disappoint you."

"Well of course you wouldn't, otherwise I'd have to find you and deal with it!" He laughed and I laughed as well, although my laugh was more nervous than amused.

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