12. You Should Really Rethink Your Actions

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Author's Note: Quick question, would you guys prefer shorter chapters (5 to 7 pages)  but quicker updates, or longer chapters (13 to 19 pages) but slower updates? This doesn't guarantee anything, I'm just asking because I want to see how I can make this the most convenient. Thanks for sticking with me, guys!

3rd Person POV

It's been a whole fucking week, and Frank still hasn't talked to Gerard. Lindsey promised to help Gerard, but she had to go home a few days ago due to a family emergency. Gerard didn't even know who's room Frank was staying in the past few nights.

Just like good old times, he thought to himself while chuckling sadly at the irony. Right now he was alone in his room, and he was laying in bed. He had lost all motivation to do anything, and now he never wanted to get out of his room.

Clearly though, the world was out to get him, because a knock came on the door followed by a voice. "Alright Gerard, come out, I know you're in there." He recognized the voice, and it was none other than Corey's.

With a sigh, he hopped out of bed and walked to the door. "How did you even know I was in here?" He asked as he opened the door to reveal Corey.

"I know you're not really a social butterfly Gee, but even you never just stay in your room for a full week. You're always out and about drawing something. So what's wrong?"

"I guess I'm just not motivated." He shrugged and stepped aside to let Corey in, knowing that he wasn't going to drop the conversation.

"That's exactly why I know something is happening. Out of all people at this school, you are the most motivated one around. You're always inspired by something, Gerard. You know why? Because you don't depend on other people for motivation. This," he gestured towards Gerard's messy appearance, "just isn't you. Someone hurt you. I want to know what happened."

Gerard sighed. Yet another person he would have to pour his heart out to.

He ended up telling Corey the full story as well, and waiting patiently for Corey's response to all this.

"Isn't Frank the short one with the black hair? About an inch shorter than me?" Gerard nodded. "I see."

"Lindsey said she would help me out with getting him back but she had to leave the state for a family emergency. It's been a week now and Frank still hasn't made any attempt to talk to me."

"What were his exact words when he left?"

"He said for me to get my shit together before I start talking to him again."

"Okay that tears it." Corey slapped the bed before standing up, and heading towards the door.

"W-where are you going?" Gerard stepped up as well and walked over to Corey.

"To find that little son of a bitch! Gerard, he basically just asked you to change who you are as a person before talking with you again. Someone who loves you is supposed to love you in your natural state, not make you change for whatever suits their needs." He had a very honest and stern tone to his voice, and Gerard found those words to hit like a truck.

Did Frank love him? Gerard still didn't know what love technically felt like. He decided to think about this later though, because there were more serious topics to deal with right now.

As Corey started walking out the door again, Gerard grabbed his arm and stopped him in his tracks. "Wait. Please don't go looking for him. I don't want you to hurt him." He had tears threatening to spill from his eyes, and Corey's face softened.

Corey did truly care about Gerard, which is why he was so determined to find Frank. Corey had been trying to convince Gerard for years since high school that he wasn't a fuck-up or a burden. He wasn't going to let that all go to waste.

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