14. Recognizable Shade of Green

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Time Jump: 2 Months Later
Gerard's POV

Me and Frank had been inseparable for the past two months now. The whole summer, we've spent it together and just took time all to ourselves. We never did anything fancy, but that was fine by us as long as we were together.

We also became way more open about things that were bothering us. We wrote letters to each other all the time now, still using the supply closet to send and receive them. Most of the time it was just cute little love letters that wouldn't mean much to most people, but they meant everything to me.

Today was the day that we hit a milestone on our letter count. I had to go pick up the hundredth letter today. I was going to do it soon enough... when I actually possessed the strength to get out of bed.

Frank was currently in the music hall, supposedly trying to complete some songs he's been writing. I had asked if I could hear some of them, but all he ever replied with was 'soon enough.' I'm not sure exactly when 'soon enough' is, but hopefully not too far away. I'm eager to hear what he's working on.

Deciding it was time to stop being lazy, I got out of bed and changed into some clothes. I walked out of the room quickly to go check and see if Frank had already written a letter. Sure enough, there was a folded up piece of paper sitting in the middle of the floor.

I unfolded it to reveal the crisp letter written in dark blue ink.

Dear Gerard,
We can't do this anymore. I know you were expecting something big for this milestone, but we just can't do anything. Last night, I found the love of my life, and you just can't compare to him. He's so much more amazing than you are, and he offers so much more than you could ever give me. I'm not sorry. Goodbye.

This letter would usually be heartbreaking to read, but luckily I had keen attention to detail.

This note was written in blue ink. Frank always wrote in green ink. This note was written sloppily. Frank always made his notes neat. This note was signed with '-Frank.' Frank always signed his notes with 'xofrnk.'

This letter was not written by Frank, which means someone was trying to ruin our relationship.

I observed the letter for a few more seconds. Suddenly, the door to the closet cracked open and I saw Frank at the door. "Oh, I'm sorry Gee! I didn't realize you were writing a letter, I'll come back later." He began to leave before I stopped him.

"Wait! Frank come look." He curiously walked over and I held up the note to him. "Someone tried to make it look like you wrote this note. Whoever did it made sure to do an awful job though. I could automatically tell that it wasn't you."

Frank skimmed over the letter cautiously, and a look of anger came over him before he spoke. "That shithead tried to ruin our relationship! Goddamn Axl, that cuts it."

"You think Axl did this?"

"I know Axl did this. I'm not sure how he found out about our letters, but he obviously tried to tear us apart. I can deal with him making my life hell, but I will not bare to watch him try and make yours miserable too."

"Frankie, does this mean we have to stop writing letters?" I asked shyly. I didn't want to stop writing letters, but if someone went this far to try and sabotage them, I don't know if we could keep on.

"Of course not, Gee. What if we just stop leaving them in the supply closet? We could hand them directly to each other while passing in the hallways and stuff. Classes are going to start back tomorrow, so when we pass each other, we can give each other letters then." He smiled reassuringly, and that made me happy, knowing that we wouldn't have to stop writing.

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