10. Clearing Your Mind

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Authors note: So I'm going to rant really quick, skip over this if you want to get straight into the story but I really appreciate it if you read this part. Basically, Patrick's feelings in this story are mirrored by my OWN feelings. So yeah, what's happening to Patrick in the story is happening to me in real life. I have a crush on my best friend, and she's dating someone, and god it hurts. I want her to be happy, and I know the person she's dating makes her happy, but at the same time it still kills me. I'm glad she's found someone who can be with her in that way, but lord have mercy, I want to be that person so bad. But I can't, and that's what hurts the most. Just want to get this out there. Thanks guys. :)

Gerard's POV

My eyes slowly drifted open, and I glanced at the clock on the wall to see what time it was.

7:30a.m. AKA too fucking early.

Frank's arm was still wrapped around my waist protectively, and I felt his soft breathing against my neck. I could tell he was still asleep, so I didn't bother turning over.

Instead, I went over the mental to do list that I had in my head for today's activities. Today was going to be all about making Patrick feel better, so I intended on making the most of it.

1st: Get breakfast at the Waffle House
2nd: Go to the arcade for a few hours
3rd: Get lunch at that fancy Italian place
4th: Spend some time at the park
5th: Play board games at the library
6th: Order a pizza for tonight
7th: Invite some friends over to hang out
8th: Watch Rocky Horror at midnight

I had this all thought out, considering I had a few minutes before Frank got up to think about it. I also thought about letting Jimmy come with us, because Jimmy was practically Patrick's other best friend. That would be a good idea. The more the merrier as they say.

And hell yes, we were definitely watching The Rocky Horror Picture Show at midnight. Pretty much everyone in the guys dorm absolutely worshiped that movie. Patrick's mind was sure to be cleared if we all started dancing to the Time Warp like the absolute goofs that we were.

By the time I had this all thought out, I felt Frank's breathing pattern change, so I rolled over and found that he had indeed woken up.

"Good morning, Frankie." I smiled at him and he smiled back, before leaning in and placing a lazy kiss on my lips.

"Good morning, Gee."

"I have everything planned out for today. It's going to be so fun." I proceeded to tell him about my well thought out list of activities, and soon I finally finished.

"Fuck yeah, you art kids have great taste in movies. No one in my old dorm was ever cool enough to watch the Rocky Horror Picture Show with me." I found that statement quite shocking, considering Rocky Horror was a musical. It was also only the greatest movie made of all time, but pfft, anyone can accomplish that.

"It's going to be so fun, Frankie. I'm going to invite Jimmy to spend the whole day with us along with Patrick. Plus, when we watch the movie tonight, I'm going to invite Ray, Bert, Lindsey, and Frances over to watch it with us. It's going to be amazing."

"I'm sure it will, Gee. Now, let's get ready so we can go get some waffles!" Frank stood up with excitement and immediately began searching through his drawers for some clothes to wear.

I too picked out some clothes to wear and threw them on. Me and Frank started getting dressed in the same room since it was a shared dorm now, and we didn't mind. We always looked away for privacy of course.

Once I had finished getting ready, I picked up my phone to text Patrick. Get ready. Tell Jimmy that he's coming with us too. Me and Frank will be outside your room in a few minutes. It would usually sound bossy not to give Jimmy an option, but since they were good friends, I knew that he wouldn't be offended. He would simply consider it 'playful banter.'

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