15. You're a Piece of Art

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Frank's POV

Letter #112

The letters were being written at a slow but steady pace. We had to start numbering them, because it was becoming hard to keep up with them all. We knew we wanted to keep track of them, so we could celebrate the milestones in our relationship together.

I wanted to plan something big for the 200th letter. I knew that at this pace, it would be close to the end of college when that letter came around, so I had plenty of time to plan.

I wanted to make it something way bigger than our first kiss or our first time having sex. This had to be something extraordinary, and even though I didn't know what that thing was yet, I was sure I could think of something.

I had just gotten out of my first class for the day, and Gerard handed me letter 112 as we passed each other in the hallway. I had a few minutes before my next class started, so I went ahead and sat down at my desk to wait for it to begin.

I unfolded the note and began reading it carefully. Gerard's notes always made me happy, no matter how short they were or how thought out they were.

Hey, Frankie! I hope you're having a good day today. I want you to meet me in the music hall today after class. Don't try to figure it out, but I have a surprise for you! I love you!

He had drawn a little heart next to his name which made me smile at the note. I was going to try to keep my mind off the surprise until it actually came, but I couldn't help but wonder what he might have planned. Maybe a drawing of us? Perhaps a bouquet of flowers? I thought of endless possibilities, but brought my attention to the professor when class started. I could already tell that this would be a boring day.


I was right. The day was completely boring, but at least it was over now. I had one thing to look forward to; that thing being Gerard's surprise.

I did just as he told me and walked straight into the music hall after my last class. I looked around curiously, smiling when I saw him waving at me from the back of the hall.

I eagerly walked over to him, giving him a hug as a way to greet him. "You didn't have to plan any surprises for me!" I stated, looking up at him. "Thank you though, it really means a lot. Now what is it?"

"Patience, Frankie," he laughed a small bit before taking my hand and leading me to a practice room. Before entering, he began speaking again. "Now, your surprise is waiting in there for you, but close your eyes and I'll lead you to it. Only open them when I tell you to, alright?"

"That's so cheesy," I joked, but I obliged nonetheless., quickly throwing one of my hands to cover both my eyes. I stumbled a little as he brought me into the practice room, but we eventually paused meaning that the surprise was somewhere in front of me.

"Alright, open your eyes!" I uncovered my eyes, and immediately gasped as I saw what sat in front of me.

It was a white Epiphone Les Paul guitar, specifically the one I had told Gerard about when I talked about guitar replacements. Not only that, but on it were holographic stickers spelling out the word 'PANSY.' I had told Gerard before that if I were to name my guitar, I would name it Pansy, but I never knew he would plan something like this. It was truly flattering to see how much attention to detail he had paid.

"Gerard, this is astounding! Oh my god, you're the best!" I immediately pulled his head towards mine to give him a grateful kiss, picking up the guitar immediately after.

"I knew how much you wanted it, and I knew your old guitar got smashed, so I figured it was the perfect present." I saw a blush come over his cheeks like he was a bit shy about being this attentive.

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