21. Emerald Like the Ink you Use

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Author's Note: Hey so I think this is going to be the last chapter. I just wanted to take a second to thank you all! Your comments are what keep me going and what allow me to write as much as I do. Without your help, I would've never gotten through this book. More works will be published soon too, so you can look forward to that! Anyway, thank you guys, and enjoy this chapter!

Gerard's POV

My hands were shaking as I attempted to straighten my tie. When I proved at failing, my fantastic best friend Lindsey walked over to help me. She was also the best woman for today.

"You look so nervous Gee, just relax!" She said while doing a much better job than me at tying a tie. "You look dazzling, honey. There's no need to worry. This will be the best moment of your life." Her words were reassuring, but I still couldn't help but let my hands shake uncontrollably.

"Thanks, Linds. Do you know where the other guys are?" By other guys, I was referring to Bert, Mikey, and Jimmy, also known as my groomsmen. They should've been in the dressing room by now, unless they were already dressed.

"They're completely ready. They're waiting in the corridor for the ceremony to start," she helpfully informed. She patted down my suit before putting her hands on my shoulders. "I'm so proud of you Gee. I'm so happy for you too." For a second it looked like her eyes were tearing up.

"Lindsey... are you crying?" I laughed because Lindsey Ballato never cried.

"Shut up," she replied before patting me on the back and leading me out the door. We walked into the corridor where the others were gathered. I looked around for a recognizable face, and smiled when she arrived.

"Gerard, I'm so proud of you! I can't believe my baby is all grown up!" My mom hugged me tightly while sobbing against my shoulder.

"Thank you mom, just please hold your tears until after the ceremony. I don't need stains on my suit when I'm getting married." She chuckled.

"Well come on, its about to start and we don't want you being late for your own wedding!"

We lined up in the corridor, while the doors opened, revealing a big white room filled with benches. First out were Mikey and Pete. Next was Corey and his girlfriend. Soon was Jimmy and Frances. They weren't dating, but they decided to go together since they were practically best friends. And finally, Bert and Lindsey. They weren't dating either, but they wanted to walk out as friends too.

It finally came to me and my mom, and I hooked her arm with mine before we started walking out. I looked forward to reveal the eyes of my lover staring at me lovingly while I approached him. He had a bright smile on his face, and mine served as a reflection of that.

When we got completely down the aisle, my mom walked to her respective seat and I stationed myself in front of Frank.

The priest was a friend of my mom's. He was very accepting and hosted gay marriages a lot, so he was our best bet for this occasion. He went on to talk about a lot of boring stuff, before we finally got to the vows.

I told Frank beforehand that I would be giving mine first, because I was an emotional bitch, and wouldn't be able to take it after he gave his.

I slowly started reciting all my vows.

"Frank Iero, from the small little amount of time that I've known you, you've showed me what love looks like. You've introduced me to so many new possibilities, all of which I have accepted into my life. Without you, I'd be so lonely, and probably never would have found myself. Because of you, I don't have to worry about not being loved or cared for. I promise you, that no matter what we go through, I'll always stick by your side. I will always be your shoulder to cry on, your support, your foundation, your protector, and anything else you need me to be. I love you so much, and I promise to do anything it takes to convey that love towards you." I finished with tears threatening to spill from my eyes, and I quickly looked back at Frank so he could continue with his.

He pulled a small piece of paper from his pocket. "Letter 200," he began reciting.

"Gerard, ever since I first wrote a note to you, I knew you were special from the way you responded. Ever since I first saw you in person, I knew you were someone I wanted to know forever. I never thought the day would come when I would get to call you mine, and for that, I am forever grateful. I will always love you with my whole heart, and treat you with respect. I'll be there during our best times, our worst times, our hardships, and our marriage. Everyday, I swear to protect you, aid you, love you, and lead you through this eternal companionship we've made for ourselves. I will never leave you, because I know you would never leave me. I love you, and I always will." And I think I died a little when he audibly whispered 'xofrnk' at the end.

"Now that the vows have been done, it is time for the rings. These rings represent your bond in matrimony, and for as long as you wear them, you shall be inseparable. So, that being said, Frank, do you take Gerard to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," Frank replied, his voice shaky. I lifted the ring I had picked out for him. It was a gold ring with an emerald. Why an emerald? Why, because green is the color of the ink he always used.

I slowly slid the ring onto his finger. "And Gerard, do you take Frank to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

I sniffed a little before replying, "I do." With that, I lifted my hand up as Frank put my onyx ring onto my finger, now with two new bands added onto it. One we were done, I grabbed both his hands and held them in mine.

"With that being said, I now pronounce you, Mr. Frank and Gerard Iero-Way! You may now seal the marriage with a kiss." Frank didn't hesitate at all to lean forward and connect our lips, and I lovingly kissed him back. This was by far the most meaningful kiss we could ever share.

And to think, it all started with a note in a supply closet.



Anyway, I want to thank everyone who read this, especially my first readers. You guys really make me feel validated and special! I love each and every single one of you, and if I could hug you all right now, I would.

Anyway, I love you if you're reading this. Whether it's a few days after it's been completed, or even years from now, I greatly appreciate you.

This was my first completed fic, so thanks for sticking with me. I'm really proud of myself, and I plan on writing a longer one soon. Anyway, love you all! Goodbye for now.

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