16. Both Paranoid and Stoned

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Frank's POV

Letter 120
Hey Frankie! I know you don't have any classes today, so I just wanted to wish you a good day. I made you breakfast, which you've probably already seen. It's sitting right beside this note on the bedside table. Hope you like pancakes! Love you!

I smiled down at the little letter that was sitting beside a short stack of pancakes. Gerard had probably made these while I was still sleeping, which made my heart warm. I didn't have classes today, none of the music students did, since the professor was out.

I quickly got out my phone to check my emails and see the assignments for today.

Hello class! Today you will be partnering up to work on a music project. The assignment is to record a video performance of a song you create with your teammate. You are allowed to choose who you work with.

That seemed simple enough. I decided that I would call Corey and ask him if we could do the project together. We had become pretty good friends over the past few months, so I felt most comfortable doing the project with him.

I quickly picked up my phone and dialed his number. Eventually, I heard his voice over the line. "Hey, Frank what's up?"

"Hey Corey. I was actually wondering if we could work together for the project in music. I don't really know anyone else." I carelessly laughed at how pathetic that sort of sound.

"Sure thing, Frank. Do you want to come to my room to start writing later today?"

"Of course. You live in the same dorm building as me, right? I'm pretty sure I saw you here awhile ago."

"Oh I actually live in the dorm by the music hall. Same one you used to live in. You probably did see me in the art dorm though, I go down there often to hang out with friends and stuff."

"Oh ok that's fine! Just tell me what room number you're in and I'll come by whenever you're ready."

I grimaced when Corey announced his room number. It was right next to my old room, also known as Axl's current room. It'll be fine. You don't have to deal with Axl anymore anyway, I thought to myself reassuringly.

We both agreed to meet up shortly after lunch time, so I hung up when there was no more talking left to do. Almost immediately, my mind drifted back over to the pancakes that were on the bedside table. My stomach was growling, indicating that it would be a good idea to eat.

It didn't take me long at all to devour the pancakes, considering I was practically starving. After that I began to feel tired. A nap couldn't do any bad, so I decided to lay down and try to fall asleep.

Eventually, it worked.


I woke up thinking that was possibly the best and wildest dream I've had in years. It actually was a very very interesting dream... and I had a feeling it would come in handy later.

(Author's Note: Foreshadowing? The world may never know.)

I didn't dwell on it too long though, instead writing it down as a note on my phone and then getting up to check the time. It was a little past lunch, so about the time that I had to meet up with Corey. I quickly threw on some clothes before walking out the door with my guitar.

I didn't really need to eat lunch. I already had a big breakfast, considering Gerard had made me decently sized pancakes. I decided that I could grab a snack on the way back to the dorm if I became hungry later.

A flush of old memories came back when I approached the dorm building next to the music hall. I always got an unpleasant feeling whenever I walked past this place, but damn, I actually had to go back there this time. Knowing that, it made me shiver.

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