9. Not Everyone Has it as Good as Me

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Gerard's POV

I had just kissed Frank Iero. I could not believe that I had just kissed Frank Iero, and now I was laying down on the bed with him, our fingers intertwined, watching Shrek. How romantic.

Sadly, I couldn't pay much attention to the movie though, because thoughts of Frank's lips on mine replayed over and over in my head. It was a short and simple kiss, but that's what made it so meaningful. A gesture that only lasted a few seconds was enough to fill my heart with warmth.

I still can't get over the fact that he actually likes me back. How could I have been so oblivious? Oh well, all that matters to me is that I'm happy, and he's happy, and we can live with the knowledge that we both like each other.

The movie eventually ended, and we were just there to lay in silence for awhile before I spoke up. "Frank, if you don't mind me asking, how long have you liked me?"

"How long?" I nodded. He looked up at the ceiling as if to think for a moment. "Well, I think I was definitely attracted to you from the start, which is why I approached you so fast at the party. I only started really liking you about a week ago though. In fact... I was actually pretty worried about this whole letter thing, because all the notes I wrote were for you... and I didn't want anyone else to think they were for them." I smiled at him, my heart filling with joy at that knowledge. "What about you?"

"Me? Oh um, I actually figured out because of Lindsey. Funny story actually, I was telling her about the letters you wrote, and I was wondering why I was so interested in you, and she suggested that it might be because I liked you. Well, she was right." I laughed a bit at the realization of it all. Thank god for Lindsey.

"Damn, Lindsey is a good person." He laughed too realizing that without Lindsey, none of this would be possible. I'll have to remember to call her and thank her for that later. "But I have a question."

"Fire away."

"The first letter I wrote was a few days before we met. Can you believe how coincidental that is? Like, the person who read my notes also ended up being my roommate. Who would've thought?"

"I don't know, but I'm sure glad it happened." I smiled at him as I tightened my grip on his hand. "God, can I kiss you again? I've wanted to do that for so long and now that it's happened I want to do it again."

He smiled back at me and nodded. With that, I rolled over to where I was leaning over him a little, and brushed a few strands of hair off his face before I cupped his cheeks and pressed my lips against his once again. This one was more slow and meaningful, our lips moving together in sync.

I took the time to take in every detail that I could recognize. The way his lips fitted perfectly with mine, the taste that lingered there, and so much more. I loved it all. I love the way that I could take it all in. Sure, I had imagined kissing him before, but nothing could top the actual feeling of it.

It was the way it all seemed to fit together that appealed to me most. The way my hands fit perfectly on his cheeks, the way our lips fit together perfectly, the way his heart beat with mine as my chest was pressed against his. I was certain that nothing could beat this feeling.

But most of all, it was the way the kiss was executed. It wasn't full of lust or craving, it was full of emotions and feelings. It was all there, and that's what made it so special.

As I thought of this, I found myself smiling against the kiss, him soon joining with me on that action. I rolled back over eventually, and laid my head on his chest, continuing to smile contently. "I really like you Frankie."

"I really like you too, Gee," he said as he began running fingers through my hair. I could stay like that forever, just laying against him, but sadly it couldn't be that way. Of course, someone had to come knocking on the door during this perfect time.

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