18. Getting Across to Authority

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Gerard's POV

Letter 134
Hey Gee, I'm currently performing the song I wrote with Corey. I should be back in time for tonight's sunset, though! This will only take a few minutes, so we should be able to get something to eat when I get back. Bye, I love you.

I folded the note back up and put it away in the drawer with all the others. Classes were over for the day, so I was just waiting in the room for Frank to get back from his performance.

It was pretty dark in the room, so I decided to go over and draw the curtains. Looking outside, I saw a few cops walking towards the building. What the hell are they doing here?

I decided to text Jimmy.

Me: Hey Jimmy, got any idea why the cops are walking towards our dorm?

Jimmy: Idk, something about an assault I think. They're just going around and checking rooms, asking questions, stuff like that. No need to worry.

Me: Do we know when they'll be gone?

Jimmy: Whenever they've decided they have enough evidence I guess.

Me: Okay. Thanks I guess.

Jimmy: Sure thing. Take care.

Shortly after I finished texting him, I heard a knock on the door. I was anxious, but I decided to hide it. Panicking wouldn't help the situation at all.

I straightened out my clothes before heading to the door. When I opened it, I saw two officers standing outside. One held a clipboard, probably to take notes, or perhaps there was a list of suspects.

"Hello sir. We've just come here to ask a few questions, is that alright with you, uh... Gerard?" He asked while looking down at the clipboard.

"Yes. That's fine."

"Okay, first of all, you live with a roommate, right? I believe his name is Frank."

"Frank Iero. Yes, that's correct."

"Okay. Is he in the building right now?"

"No. Right now he's at a performance. He's a music student, and they had a project to present today."

"Will he be back anytime soon?"

"He should be back in a few minutes."

The officer nodded before continuing. "Alright. Have you recently been doing anything of risk to your health? Drinking? Smoking? Anything like that?"

"No. Neither of us drink, and we haven't been off campus to smoke, so we haven't done anything like that recently."

"Okay. Good so far. Mind if we check the room? Sorry for the inconvenience, it's just a protocol we're forced to follow."

"Yeah, no that's fine. I don't mind."

I stepped aside to let them walk in. As they looked around the room, I noticed myself nervously twiddling my fingers, so I put my hands in my pockets to stop.

"Mind to tell us why there is a red stain on the trash can under this desk?" My head shot up to meet their eyes, and I struggled to find my words.

"Yeah. Frank's nose started bleeding yesterday, so we had a lot of bloody tissues to throw away. Some of the blood got onto the bin."

"Well I can tell you're telling the truth," he said amused. "If something was wrong, most art students would say that it was just 'paint.' They think trained cops can't tell the difference between blood and art supplies. Good on you, son."

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