5: Conflicted Emotions Lead to Tears

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3rd Person POV

Gerard was not surprised to find another note in the same closet he had originally been finding them in, but that's not to say that he wasn't delighted.

This one seemed to have a very particular rhyme scheme to it.

I want to fall in love
I want to be in control
I don't care if I get hurt
Or if it takes a toll

I want to be able to live
I want to be able to fly
I want to be able to see
I want to be able to try

If it's something I truly wish for
It's something that I should achieve
So if you're feeling the same way
I beg you not to leave

Continue with me on this path
For perhaps ours one day shall meet
And if and when that day comes
Together we'll retreat

We can live out a story
We can run our own plot
Would you like to do that with me?
Because I'd like that a lot.


This was a completely different tone from the last poem that Frank wrote. Gerard considered the last poem as a frustrated letter, but he saw this one as a risky love note.

Gerard decided that he wanted to be able to talk to Frank about these types of things, but he didn't know how. He couldn't just walk right up to him about it. They had only known each other for around three days now, and he wasn't sure if Frank trusted him like that yet.

Suddenly, as if right on queue, Gerard came up with something.

He looked around the closet in search for a piece of paper. He finally found one and set it down on the ground, pulling out a black pen to write with.

He began writing a letter back to Frank.

Hello Frank.
You probably have noticed that all your letters have gone missing. That's because I've been picking them up and reading them. I must say, I truly love your work. You have such a poetic way of writing things, and all your work is very implicit. Some of it is hard to decipher, but that's what makes it interesting in my opinion. I'd love if you wrote me another poem and perhaps a letter replying to this one? Thanks a bunch.

He folded the letter in a unique way, and placed in on the ground in front of him. He had already put Frank's poem into his pocket. He decided that he would come back later today to check on a reply from Frank. He would also give Frank some alone time, so he could discreetly go to the supply closet.

Gerard quickly texted Lindsey. Hey Linds, can we walk around the courtyard for awhile? Really want to talk to you about something.

It wasn't long before he got a reply. Sure Gee, meet me outside your dorm in a few minutes. Gerard smiled at his phone before walking out of the supply closet.

He opened the door to his room to see Frank plucking on guitar strings while sitting on his bed. Frank looked up at Gerard with a small smile.

"Hey Frank, I'm gonna go walking around the courtyard for awhile. I'll be back soon."

"Okay, have fun." Gerard closed the door again before walking down the stairs, and outside. He was pleased to see Lindsey already standing there waiting for him.

They immediately began walking down the path. Gerard hadn't planned for them to go anywhere in particular, he just wanted to walk around for awhile.

Eventually, Lindsey asked, "what is it you wanted to talk to me about, Gee?"

"Right. So basically, Frank's been leaving these notes in the supply closet of the dorm. I'm not sure why, but they're basically these little poems that he's written. Every day I pick them up, and every day there's a new one in there. Do you know why he might be doing this?"

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