3. A Rather Eventful Saturday

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When Gerard woke up the next morning, he shivered under the coldness of the room and muttered, "it's too fucking cold in here" before burying himself further into the blankets.

He heard a soft giggle coming from behind him. It scared him at first but when he flipped himself over on the bed, he recognized Frank laying down opposite of him. His hazel eyes were open and looking right at him, a small smile planted on his face.

"Oh what, do you not agree with me?" Gerard chuckled a bit, smiling back.

"Not necessarily. I just figured you'd be used to it by now, or at least had the common sense to buy warmer blankets."

"The temperature in here is shit though. Sometimes the room is burning hot and sometimes it's freezing cold. I don't even know what they do with their thermostats in this dorm anymore." He laughed a bit.

"So what are your plans for today, Gerard?" Frank asked, scooting a tad bit closer to Gerard.

"Not sure yet. Yesterday I was going to draw the tree in the center of the courtyard, but there were a bunch of photographers that wouldn't step away from it. So, perhaps I'll do that today. And maybe I'll even walk around for a little bit, who knows."

"That sounds nice. It's not too eventful but it sounds relaxing."

"Well, what do you usually do on Saturdays?"

"Me? Oh, well I usually try to write a few songs if I can. Saturdays are the days I can get away from my dorm, so I try to find other places to work. I've found a few so far. But today I'm meeting with the secretary of the school, so she can get me set up with a new dorm and I can hopefully move in tomorrow."

Gerard nodded. "Oh shit I bet the other guys are dying right now. I have to see this for myself," Gerard got up out of bed. He was not going to pass up the opportunity to laugh at his friend's massive hangovers. He walked to the door and opened it, Frank following behind him.

They made their way down the hall until they reached a familiar door. Gerard tested the knob. "It's unlocked," he whispered to Frank. He looked through the peephole and smiled a bit when he looked inside. A shirtless Pete was spooning Mikey on the couch.

He turned the knob a little until the door cracked open. Trying not to make too much noise, he opened it fully and tiptoed inside. Frank was still following behind him. "Do you think we should let them sleep, or wake them up in the most annoying way possible?"

"What's the fun in letting them sleep? Might as well get up bright an early to pay for the consequences of their actions." Gerard smiled at Frank's enthusiasm.

"Okay... step outside for a second. I'm gonna close the door and act like we never went in here. Watch me." Gerard and Frank walked back out into the hallway and Gerard gently closed the door. "Stand back there so you can hear me but you won't be in sight of the others." Gerard pointed to a spot down the hallway. Frank obliged and walked until he reached the spot.

Gerard put on a serious face and soon began banging on the door. "GUYS I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!" He swung the door open aggressively which caused a loud banging sound as it hit the wall.

"What the fuck Gerard?" Mikey sleepily groaned as he sat up.

"MIKEY WHY THE FUCK IS THERE A RED CORSET LAYING ON THE BATHROOM FLOOR WITH THE WORDS 'MIKEY WAY IS A PROSTITUTE FOR PETE' WRITTEN ON THE BACK?" The others soon began laughing while Mikey and Pete looked at each other wide-eyed. Gerard was obviously making this stuff up, but he knew they wouldn't remember any of last night, so might as well mess with them while he could.

"Mikey, what the fuck?" Ray laughed. "I knew you were a bit drunk but damn." Gerard realized that Mikey and Pete were the only embarrassed ones in the room, so he motioned for Frank to come down the hallway with a quick glance.

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