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sorry i got distracted by jeno's fancams

Haneul woke up from the opened window, making way for the sunshine to wake her up

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Haneul woke up from the opened window, making way for the sunshine to wake her up. As her eyes open she immediately closed it again using her hand to block the sunshine.

As soon as she adjusted, she yawned like a cat stretching her limbs. Covering herself with the thick blanket inhaling Jeno's scent, she was starting to drift off to sleep but the door opened as Jeno entered the room walking straight at his closet pulling a plain black shirt and a pair of sweatpants.

"Goodmorning tomato" Jeno said chuckling at the nickname he gave her. "whatever" Haneul replied rolling her eyes as she sat up.

"so, what happened to my bracelet?" Haneul asked curiously tilting her head as she stared at Jeno who turned around taking of his shirt.

"could you atleast give a warning?!" She said covering her eyes with both of her hands, "warning about what?" he replied turning around to face haneul.

"about you changing clothes when i'm with the same room as you idiot" she said straightforwardly with a huff.

Jeno chuckled again walking near Haneul who took a peek by slightly opening her hands only to meet with Jeno face to face.

"yow what the fuck!" Haneul said leaning back with her hands placed on her chest where her heart was placed.

"don't pretend that you don't like it lil tomato" Jeno said leaning back like what Haneul did.

Haneul's cheeks went red again with the nickname he gave her, her heart was beating rapidly like it was going to explode.

She didn't know why she always feels like this when Jeno does small things towards her.


"Goodmorning Noona!" Jisung and Chenle said skipping downstairs to meet the elders that was waiting for them at the dining table for breakfast.

Haneul nodded and gave them both with her gummy smile "uh jeno?" she called Jeno who was done changing his clothes.

"yes?" he said looking straight at her eyes that always make Haneul's heart jump out of her chest. "do you have some clothes that i can use?"

"yeah whatever just get whatever you want" he said walking down heading at the kitchen.

Haneul nodded at him before running back inside the room to get clothes from jeno's wardrobe.

After browsing for a few seconds she pulled a plain orange shirt that looked like a dress if she wore it.

As soon as she changed at Jeno's shirt, she inhaled then Jeno's scent immediately filled her nosetrils making her relaxed.

As soon as she changed at Jeno's shirt, she inhaled then Jeno's scent immediately filled her nosetrils making her relaxed

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jeno is slowly replacing jisung on top of my bias list.

istg jeno needs to stop

try again ↺ lee jenoWhere stories live. Discover now