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Jeno lifted her up on his shoulder walking towards the living room where Wayv was relaxing, everyone gave them weird looks except for one, Ten was smirking at the two as Jeno threw Haneul softly at the empty sofa

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Jeno lifted her up on his shoulder walking towards the living room where Wayv was relaxing, everyone gave them weird looks except for one, Ten was smirking at the two as Jeno threw Haneul softly at the empty sofa.

He sat on her stomach with his hand holding the both of her hands above her head and the other on placed on her waist.

"now it's time for my revenge." Jeno started tickling Haneul on her sides and neck. Haneul's laugh filled the room until her eyes started to tear up from too much tickles.

"p-please J-jeno stop!!" she said between her laughs, Jeno then stopped tickling her and looked straight in her eyes. "Ehem, we're still here you know" Kun said laughing at the two who turned red.

Once Jeno let go of her hands, she pushed Jeno of her as she sat up properly with Jeno sitting next to her. "Why don't you both go inside your room so we wont interrupt you." Hendery said turning his attention to the movie they were watching.

They both decided to join the seven who happened to be watching a scary movie "annabelle comes home?" Haneul shakily said scooting closer at Jeno who placed his arm behind Haneul so Haneul can snuggle up on his chest.

Then Jeno leaned down at her, his breath fanning Haneuls ear making her nervous. "we can go up if you don't want to watch it." Jeno whispered at her. Haneul looked up at him and their faces were dangerously close to each other.

"oh my god" Haneul leaned away from Jeno turning her attention at the scary movie. But, Jeno didn't look away nor leaned back. He just stared at her on how she tried hide in her small hands as a scary ghost appeared on the screen.

Everything else around him disappeared as he continued to stare at her like she's the most precious thing in this world. He wanted to hold her on his arms, he wanted to protect her from everything but something made him stop, she wasn't his.

His smile dropped looking at Haneul with sad eyes, Haneul felt eyes on her so, she looked beside her. She met the sad eyes of Jeno as her eyes softened and she forgot the scary movie when she placed her small hand on Jeno's cheeks making him snap back into reality.

She decided not to ask what's wrong, instead she placed her head on his chest wrapping her arms around him and went back into the movie. Jeno hesitated, he hesitated to hug back making Haneul look at him again with her big brown eyes he already fell inlove with.

"aren't you gonna hug back?" Haneul said pouting making Jeno smile as he shook his head before wrapping his arms around her, securing her.

"aren't you gonna hug back?" Haneul said pouting making Jeno smile as he shook his head before wrapping his arms around her, securing her

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big thanks to @versacebae_ for making the book cover, luvchuu!!

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