Chapter 2

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Alex grabbed his tray of food and started heading towards the table he and his friends sit at. As he walked, he saw Thomas out the corner of his eye. Thomas looked like he was trying to look for a place to sit. Alex turned around and walked up to Thomas, tapping his shoulder to get his attention.

"Hey, wanna sit with us over there?" Alex asked pointing to his friends table. Thomas smiled and nodded. They got to the table and sit with their friends.

"Hey Alex, I wanna thank you." John said blushing.

"Thank me? For what?"

"You were right about me needing to confessing my feelings..."

"Oh crap, don't tell me..." John nodded and grabbed Peggy's hand. She smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

"It's official!" She exclaimed. The table erupted with cheers for the new couple. "I'm so happy to call him mine."

"It's about time Johnny boy!" Herc joked.

"Oh, you're one to talk!" John shot back. Everyone started laughing...well...except Alex. Thomas noticed this and couldn't help but worry a bit.

"Alex? Are you okay?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah! Just thinking about something."

"Like what?" Eliza joined.

"Meh, not really a big deal."

*Time skip brought to you by Jeggy (Meh babys!)*

Throughout the day, Alex felt off. He couldn't help but feel like something wasn't right. Especially after that talk he had with Adams and how he was staring at him during math. If looks could kill, Alex would be dead.

His friends were aware of how odd Alex was acting the rest of the day. They knew if they asked him directly he would deny it. Because this was Alexander Hamilton for goodness sake!

The next day, Alex continued his odd behavior. And the day after that. He spaced out whenever he hung out with friends and they noticed Adams was constantly around...watching. Things were getting weird. Right now Alex was in English thinking about what Adams said to him. What could he positively mean?

"Hey Alex, you okay?" Herc asked worryingly. Alex flinched, being startled from his thoughts.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking." He nervously laughed. "Why did you ask?"

"Because we were talking to you and you spaced out." Laf answered. "You seem to be doing that a lot lately."

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to worry you guys."

"It's okay, we were just worried about you mon amie."

"Mr. Washington?" The group looked up to see Mr. Adams. "May I speak with Alexander in privet?"

Mr. Washington hesitated to answer. He had a bad feeling brewing in his gut. However, he didn't want to cause any suspicion, so he nodded. Alex got up and stepped out the door, confused to why he wanted to be seen in the first place. Why does Adams suddenly have an interest in him?

"Alexander, we have important matters to discuss." Be began.

*Time skip brought to you by a creepy Adams*

It was around seven at night, and Peggy walked the streets of New York, holding a bag. She and her sisters decided to have a movie night together, so she went to pick up some snacks. She walked under a sky with shining stars and a full moon. Truly a beautiful night to a perfect day. Well...almost perfect. She couldn't help but worry about Alex. He'd been off for the past three days.

'Maybe I should interrogate him tomorrow.' She thought.

"Hey, you! Girl!"

Peggy turned around to see who was yelling. She instantly regretted it. The next thing she knew, she was running as fast as she can.

Dun! Dun! Dun! Cliffhanger! Poor Peggy! I know it's a short chapter, but I promise it will get better! The action is coming!

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