Chapter 18

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The two teens stood in front of a warehouse. An old rundown warehouse with the numbers 1350 on. This was the place! They both felt a small hope ignite inside. There's a small chance that they could get Alexander back.

"This is it Thomas. He might be in there." Lafayette said.

"We aren't leaving until we search the whole place." Thomas added earning a nod from Laf. They both took a deep breath before opening the door. Once the pair was inside, the door shut right behind them.

"Whoa, this feels like you say...horror movie." Laf said with a mixture of fear and excitement. Thomas looked at him like he had two heads. "What? I'm just saying ever since we found out about Alex's life things around here aren't as boring." Thomas laughed at his cousin who was trying to lighten the mood.

"I just hope this isn't how we have to live forever."

"Yeah. I hope so too."


Alexander was too tried to struggle. His wrists were completely covered in rope burns. He couldn't escape. He was done for. As soon as he came to that conclusion, the door busted open. In walked was Charles Lee, James Reynolds, George King and...John Adams. Alexander was now officially prepared to die. It's over. Lee and Reynolds yanked him off the ground and practically dragged him out the room.

After 4 years he was going to see his father- no! He doesn't deserve that title. There was only one man who did...and that was Washington. Alex couldn't help but frown at the thought of never seeing the Washington's again. They were his family...his mom and dad. He was never going to see his friends again either. I was truly lucky to have met them. He was then brought into a big room. Lee and Reynolds then dropped the boy on the floor before backing up in line with the rest.

"It's been a while since I've last seen you!" Alex looked up only  to be face to face with James Hamilton. "How long has it been? 4 years?"

"Well who's fault is that?" Alex remarked.

"Now, now Alexander. Is that any way to talk to your father?"

"You may be blood, but you're NOT my dad!"


"Don't talk to me like that boy!" Alexander felt the heat on his right cheek from the blow. He was so angry.

"You're the the one who fucked up! You betrayed the family! You cheated on my mother! You beat your children because you were always drunk or high. Worst of all you killed them! I will never forgive you for that!" Pure hatred filled his heart.

"That can all change Alexander. If you join the Redcoats, I will be the father you've always wanted." Is this guy a fucking idiot?

"I WILL NEVER JOIN YOU! You had your chance to be my father...but now that role has been filled by someone else."

"Then I guess it's time for you to join your mother. Adams, cut his ropes! This will be more fun if he was struggling for his life." Adams grabbed his pocket knife and cut the ropes on Alexander's wrists and got back in line. "I've been waiting for this for quite some time!" He then attacked. Throwing punches and kicking at the boy. Alex tried to dodge as mush as he could, but his body felt so weak. He was getting beaten pretty badly to the point he bled. "You're so pathetic!" He kicked the boy in the side, causing him to cough up blood.

"Well...I must have got that from you!" Alex snarled, earning punch in the eye. He fell flat on his back as James pulled out the gun and pointed it at him.

"Any last words?" Alex didn't want him to have the pleasure so he stood silent.

"That's what I thought! Nighty night!"  Just as he was about to pull the trigger...


A bullet knocked the gun out of his hand.

"Leave my boyfriend alone!" It was Thomas and Lafayette!

"Thomas? Laf?"

"Pfft! I'm not afraid of children!"

"Then perhaps you are afraid of us!" Washington was here with police officers! Alex as so relieved he could cry.

"Retreat men!" James Hamilton called out as they tried to run. The police went after them, capturing almost ever Redcoat. One of the officers ended up shooting Adams in the arm by mistake. He was in horrible pain as James was running past him.

"B-Boss! m-me!" He held out his arm as he begged.

"Help yourself, Adams!" He then ran off into the next room. Unfortunately for him he didn't get far. Two officers grabbed him right as entered.

"You're under arrest!" They cuffed him along with the rest of the gang.



"DAD!" Washington ran right to his son and held him close.

"Oh, thank god your safe! My son! I love you so much." Alex let go and stared into his father's eyes.

"I didn't think anyone would come after me."

"All I could do was worry Alex! How could I not?" He helped the boy up and as he did Thomas wrapped his arms around him.

"I was so worried Lexi! Thank god you're okay!" He proceeded to peck his boyfriend's lips.

"I missed you too Tommy." Alex then went to hug Laf only for an officer to come over.

"An ambulance is on their way to help. We've got almost all the gang got away" The police escorted out gang members. Laf was protectively holding Alexander when they noticed they hadn't seen Adams.

"John Adams..." Washington spoke up.

"We will find him! He couldn't have gotten too far." The police took away the Redcoats and the ambulance showed up. Ready to take Alex to the hospital. Adams is still out there! That thought made Alexander feel uneasy. It's not over just yet.

Oh god he's alive! Haha! But oh it's not over just yet guys! It almost is though. It's almost 3 am guys! I'm still wide away! Welp Adios!

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