Chapter 5

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Everyone was silent. How could anyone respond to that? To a boy who's so smart and has so much potential but is dragged down by a dark past? It was an emotional moment for everyone, but mostly Alexander. He tried so hard, but he couldn't hold back his tears anymore. He broke down right there, in front of everyone. Not caring if he looked weak.

Washington held him close, barely manage to hold back his own tears. The boy in his arms, broken. He felt guilty for not realizing it sooner. Not to mention he doesn't have a home. He was 14 and homeless. He pet his hair and rubbed his back. As he did so, he saw his wife doing the same with Peggy and Thomas barely holding it together.

"I-I'm sorry...I'm's all my f-fault!" Alex muffled. "I did this...I'm sorry..."

"You've done nothing wrong, son." Washington soothed. (Lol! My phone autocorrected Washington to Washingdad) "It's okay, I promise. It's not your fault."

Peggy finally managed to compose herself and made her way to Alex.

"Alex, why did you keep this from us?" She asked, her voice full of concern. Alex stayed with his arms wrapped around Washington, afraid to face anyone. How would they treat him after finding out how pathetic he was? He was nothing but a bastard, orphan, whore's so-

"Alexander?" A gentle voice pulled him out of his thoughts.

"I-I'm a nobody...I don't deserve to live a normal life..."

"That's not true, son. You have so much potential-"


Alexander clinged tighter to Washington. Mrs. Washington made her way to the window and pulled back the curtain to take a look.

"The storm's here." She spoke, as she shut the curtain.


Alexander jumped at the sound of the thunder. Washington picked Alex up and head up stairs to one of the guest bedrooms.

"What was that?" Thomas asked. "I mean he was upset, but he got worse."

"Do you think it was the storm?" Peggy asked.

"Well judging from Alexander's story, I would say so." Mrs. Washington replied. "The hurricane he dealt with on that ship must have traumatized him. Poor dear."

Washington was currently comforting Alex in the guest bedroom. He had a panic attack from the storm. He was shaking violently and his breath hitched.

"Breathe, son. You're gonna be okay. I'm not leaving." They stood this way until Alexander passed out of exhaustion. Washington gently laid him on the bed and pulled the quilt up onto him. He ruffled the boy's hair before he left closing the door to join his wife downstairs.

*Time skip brought to you by The Washingdad Protection Program*

The next morning John, Laf, Herc, Angelica and Eliza worryingly waited for their friends. Peggy didn't come home and neither did Thomas. They tried to call Alex and ask if he seen them, but he never answered. They then saw Washington's car pull up at their spot. The car doors opened and Peggy bolted out and into her sister's arms.

"Oh my god, Peggy!" They held her in a tight embrace. "We were so worried something happened.

"I'm so sorry!" Peggy cried. "My phone died and...last night was insane." Washington, Alexander and Thomas then got out the car.

"Thomas! Alex!" Laf then ran to them and hugged them both. "Thomas, ma mère and Tante Jane were so worried about you last night! Alex, you didn't answer anyone last night and we assumed you went missing too."

"We were all so worried about you guys!" John joined in as he hugged his girlfriend. "Where were you? What happened?"

"They were at my place." Washington answered.

"I can explain everything! I's all my fault to begin with." The others nodded and calmed down to listen. By the end of the story, nobody of his friends had dry eyes. They were all in tears. They all feared for Alexander's life.

"What are you gonna do Alex?" John asked, knowing his best friend was in danger.

"I-I...I don't know..." Alex muttered barely audible. "I don't know what to do and now you guys could be in danger just for being my friends."

"We'll be okay Alexander." Angelica tried to convince him. "We're more worried about you! You live on the streets and now this gang is after you."

"If I ever run into this 'James Hamilton' I'll kill him!" Herc yelled in anger.

"It's not like I have anywhere to go, Angie." Alex said. "I'm basically screwed."


Alex turned his attention to Washington.

"I can't keep letting you stay on the streets, son. You're more than welcome to stay at my place as long as you need."

"B-But sir, I can't do that to you and Martha." Alex tried to argue. "I'll just put you in more danger."

"It's not safe for you to keep living this way. You're still a kid."

"Alexander, he's right." Eliza defended. "It's not safe. You really should accept."

"Please, Alex. This for your own good." Thomas half begged.

Alex stood silent. He really didn't think it was a good idea. He was basically being hunted and now the people he cares about are involved. He wanted to protect him even though he knew 'he' wanted him. They won't hesitate to hurt his friends if it meant they can get to him. They were his family. If it ever came to the point he would have to sacrifice himself for them, he would do it in a heartbeat.

"Okay, I accept." Washington smiled at him and ruffled his hair. His friends happily cheered for him. Maybe things won't be so bad. What they didn't realize was they were being watched.

Hahaha! Chapter 5! Whoop! Whoop! Yay! Thank you so much for reading. I had a bit of writer's block. I'm OkAy NoW dUdEs!

Translation (google translate...leave me alone...)

Ma Mère= My Mom

Tante Jane= Aunt Jane

Au revoir! (Bye)

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