Chapter 3

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Peggy turned around to see who was yelling. She instantly regretted it. She saw a dark figure following her. What scared her was the red jacket he wore. The next thing she knew, she was running as fast as she can.

"Hey! Get back here!" The figure sprinted after her. Peggy ran down the street, panting and occasionally looking back at the figure. "Stop!"

Thomas walking not to far, was on a call.

"I'll be home soon, okay? Bye mom." He hung up and put his phone away. As he did, he heard a scream. He looked up to see Peggy running from the red hooded figure. Worried about his friend, he took off after her. It didn't take too long to catch up after her.

"T-Thomas? What are you doing here?" She asked as they ran.

"Take my hand!" Thomas grabbed her hand as they ran for their lives. Along the way, they almost bumped into...

"Sorry Mr. Washington!"

Washington stepped aside. He was about to call to them, when the hooded figure ran by. He knew it meant trouble. Without hesitation, he followed.

Thomas and Peggy turned the corner, only to find themselves trapped in a dead end allie.

"Oh no! Dead end!" Peggy yelled. That's when the figure found them. Thomas grabbed Peggy and held her close.

"I got you now!" The figure spoke.

"Thomas! Peggy!"

The two looked behind the figure to see Washington running to them.

"Well, well, well! Look who decided to join us, George Washington!" Washington stood in front of the two protectively.

"Who are you?" He asked angrily.

"Hmph! I thought you'd be able to recognize me!" The figure then pulled his hood off. Thomas, Peggy and Washington gasped in shock.


"In the flesh!" Adams smiled cruelly. "I only wanted to ask the girl where Alexander Hamilton lives."

"Like I would ever tell you if I knew!" Peggy growled.

"I figured you'd make it harder than it had to be. It seems you all know my identity. Now that you all know..." He pulled out a pistol and pointed it at the others. "...none of you are leaving here alive!" Thomas held Peggy tighter and Washington held his ground.

"Now, say goodbye to- ack!" Adams was suddenly punched to the ground and the pistol was ripped out his hand.

"Leave them alone!"


Alex stood there in front of his friends, pointing the pistol at Adams, who rubbed his jaw getting up from the ground. He looked up at Alex and smirked.

"Alexander Hamilton! How nice of you to show up!" He then got up from the ground.

"I already told you! I'm not joining your gang!"

"Well then, I guess you can die!" Adams pulled out his phone and dialled a number. "Boss! I have the boy! We're at- ahhh!" Alex punched Adams to the ground again.

"Run!" He yelled dropping the pistol. Alex, Thomas, Peggy and Washington started to run, leaving Adams alone in the allie.

"Where are we running to?" Peggy asked as they ran.

"There!" Alex pointed at a run down roofless car. "Get in, quickly!" Alex hopped in the driver's seat, with Thomas siting next to him and Peggy and Washington sitting in the back.

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