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"Alexander, you have only 5 minutes till your friends gets here!"

"I can't find my hairbrush!" Alex was getting ready for the fall formal. The Schuyler sisters rented a limo to pick everyone up and bring everyone home after the dance. He was dressed in a green blazer, dress shoes and had light make up. He was almost ready to leave, except his hair wasn't done and he couldn't find his hairbrush.

"It's on the mini table in the living room."

"Thanks mom!" Alex rushed to the living room to see his brush right where his mother said. "There you are!" He grabbed his brush and was about to go to the bathroom to do his hair until something caught his eye. It was a framed certificate, but not just any certificate. It was...

...his adoption certificate! It had come in the previous Friday. It gave him a warm feeling inside and he liked it, true happiness. He changed his name to Alexander Hamilton Washington. That moment Washington stepped in and smiled at his boy.

"I still can't believe this is all real." Alex turned to his father. "Just two months ago, I was homeless and constantly running from that gang, but now...I have a family again. I'm very lucky."

"I'm the lucky one, Alexander. Because of you, our family is complete." Mrs. Washington then came into the room, joining her husband and son.

"Come here Alex." She grabbed his brush and proceeded to brush the younger male's hair. It didn't take too long due to it always being so soft. He usually would tie his hair back into a ponytail with a green ribbon, but today he decided to keep it out. "You should wear your hair out more sweetie. You look amazing."

"Thanks mom." His parents then pulled out their phones.

"I want a picture before you go." Washington said as his wife nodded.

"Daaaaad! It's not prom or anything."

"Oh c'mon! Pleeeeeeease son?" That caused the teen to laugh. Both Martha and George were giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Okay! Okay! We have to make it quick." Alexander got into position.

"Smile sweetie!" He did as he was told and his parents took a few pictures.




"That must be them!" Alex sprinted to the door and opened it. There stood Thomas with a bouquet of lilacs. "Tommy!"

"Hey babe! These are for you." The taller teen handed the bouquet to his boyfriend.

"Lilacs! My favorite, thank you!" Alex handed the flowers to his mom to put in a vase.

"Ready to go?" Thomas asked as he held out his hand for Alexander to take.

"Yes!" He took his hand. As they made their way to the limo, Alex's parents called out to him.

"Have fun sweetie!" His mom shouted.

"Don't be out too late!" His dad added.

"Bye mom! Bye dad!" Alex the got in the limo to see all his friends.

"Aye Alex!"

"You look amazing!"

"Since when do you wear your hair out?" Alexander smiled at all his friends.

"Who's ready for tonight?"

"ME! I HEARD THEY HAVE A PHOTO BOOTH!" Peggy beamed. Everyone laughed at the girls excitement. They cheered as they drove off to the dance. Along the way the group was practically shouting to Sincerely Me from Dear Evan Hanson.

"Cause all that it takes is a little reinvention! It's easy to change if you give it your attention! All you gotta do is just believe you can be who you want to be! Sincerely, Me!"

This was the life Alexander had dreamed of for a long time. The joy, the tears and the love. God, these were the most wonderful people he had ever met! They meant so much to him and he loved every one of them. He couldn't wait to see what the future holds for him. He was no longer, "The Leader's Son" Now he was "The Teacher's Son" Just you wait!

Ba-bam! That's the end of this story guys! Welp...bye...

Like I'll just leave you guys like that! Yes, this is the end of this book. However, I have an announcement! I'm writing a oneshot book of Alex's life after the events of "The Leader's Son" called...

"The Teacher's Son!"

Yay! Thank you so much for all your love and support! I love you all! Peace out!

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