Chapter 9

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Alexander was a nervous wreck! He didn't think this through. HE WAS ABOUT TO GO ON A DATE! A FREAKING DATE! He had only an hour! How does he dress? How does he act? What if he does something weird and ruin his chances? What if-
Alex grabbed his phone and dialled Peggy.




"A boy!"


"A date! I need a makeover- Hello? Peggy? MARGARITA!" Peggy had hung up on Alex which kind of pissed him off. However, he wasn't mad for too long. Within five seconds he heard a knock on the front door. He came down stairs and saw Washington open to front door.

"I'M HERE TO FIX ALEXANDER'S CRISIS!" Peggy busted through the door.

"Oh, thank god, your here!" Alex ran into her arms. "I need all the help in the world!" Peggy pulled away and took a look at him.

"Clearly!" She joked. Alex rolled his eyes. "We need to get started! You have a date in an hour!"

"A date?" Mrs. Washington came into the room after hearing all the commotion. "What's his name?" He had told her the day before that he was gay. She was just as supporting as Washington.


"Oh, that sweet boy that came here the other day?" Alexander nodded in response.

"I brought you some clothes and makeup! C'mon!" Peggy pulled him up the stairs to his room. Mr. and Mrs. Washington shared a look.

"This should be fun, Martha." Washington joked.



"Okay! Guys don't like when girls or other guys wear too much makeup. So, I'm gonna do a bit of mascara and light blush. It'll hardly be noticeable." Peggy had brushed out Alexander's hair and tied it into a ponytail. She was now applying blush on cheeks. "Done! I also got you this lip balm." She handed it to Alex and went into her bag to pull out some cloths. She pulled out a pair of black jeans and a dark green sweatshirt that said "Rise Up!" in golden letters. "Put this on!" She handed the cloths to Alex and left the room, shutting the door behind her. He put on his clothes and grabbed his black and white vans. Once everything was on, Peggy knocked on the door to check on him.

"Alex are you- SWEET JESUS! You look gorgeous!" She hugged her friend, careful not to ruin his makeup. "Wow! They gotta see you!" She grabbed his hand and run out the room, stopping before the stairs. " Wait here for your cue." She walked down the stairs, joining the Washington's. "Ahem! Ladies and gentlemen, the new and improved, Alexander Hamilton!" On cue, he made his way down the stairs. The Washington's felt like proud parents.

"H-how do I look?"

"You look great, son."

"Thanks da- sir!" (Dammit!)

"Alex, you have ten minutes till noon! So, out you go!" Peggy was now pushing him out the door.

"Okay, okay! I'm going! But are you sure I look-"

"GO!" The Washington's and Peggy yelled. On that note, Alexander ran out the door to meet up with Thomas.

*Time skip brought to you by Peggy the Makeup Queen 👑*

Thomas stood in front of the Smokey Grill, waiting for his date. He started to fiddle with the strings of his magenta sweatshirt. He grabbed his phone and looked at the time. It read 12:02. What he doesn't show up? What if he doesn't want me-

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