Chapter 19

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Alexander had spent three days in the hospital. His injuries weren't severe luckily, but the doctors wanted to keep an eye on him. The Washington's didn't leave his side during that time. Once the day came for him to leave, they took him home with a recommendation of two more days off of school. He had been through traumatic events before, however this time he didn't face them alone.

It was now 11 pm and Alex couldn't sleep. He felt stressed out from the recent events. Alex had been tossing and turning for about two hours.


Alex lightly gasped in alarm and yanked his blanket over his head. He heard footsteps, each one drawing closer. Then a gentle voice that he knew and loved put him at ease.

"Alexander? Are you still awake?" Alex pulled the blanket down and met eyes with Washington.

"I can't sleep...sorry."

"No need to apologize, son. You've been through a lot."

"I really don't want to be alone..."

"I'll stay as long as you need." Alex made room for Washington to sit beside him. As he did, he wrapped an arm around his son.


"I'm here, Alexander. Don't worry." After about 5 minutes, Alex felt his eyes droop due to the warmth and protection his father provided. Soon enough, Mrs. Washington entered the room quietly. She smiled at the sight of her husband and sleeping son. She made her way over to her lover and pecked his lips.

"How is he?" She asked as she caressed Alexander's cheek.

"He had some trouble sleeping."

"The poor dear has been through so much." Martha then sat on the other side on Alex and laid her head on his. "I just hope the police find Adams and then this will be all over."

"I know. Maybe he'll finally have a normal life. No more fear or running. The hard part is almost over." Martha and George sat by Alexander's side the whole night, holding him protectively in their sleep.

*Time skip brought to you by the world's most perfect parents*

-One week later-

"I'm just saying that you would totally rock that dress!" Alex was talking with Lafayette as they headed off to creative writing. They were talking about the fall formal that was coming up next Friday. They were discussing outfit choices. Alex was showing Laf a picture of an navy blue dress with frills.

"You really think so? I'm not so sure with my figure-"

"Laf, you have a nice body. I'm positive it would look amazing on you!" They both laughed until they heard the intercom.

"Attention! There's an intruder in the building. This is not a drill." Laf immediately grabbed Alex's hand and ran into a nearby empty classroom. They locked the door, shut the lights and closed the shades. The two then hid under the teacher desk. Alex pulled out his phone and saw a text from his dad.

Washingdad: R u ok? R u safe?

<Non_Stop_shortie>: Yeah I'm with Laf

Washingdad: Ok plz stay safe. I love you, son

<Non_Stop_shortie>: I love you too dad

Alex put his phone away and jumped at the sound of bullets being fired at their door. Then a voice-

"I know you're in their Alexander Hamilton!"


He pounded on the door and yelled for the boy to come out. Laf held onto Alex tightly. He lost his friend once, and he didn't want that to happen again.


The door fell right to the ground. Adams came into the room, pointing his gun.

"You can't hide forever Hamilton! You know, your father betrayed me! After all that I've done for him he left me to die! Now I'm gonna kill you to piss him off! There's no running this- ack! What the fuck!" Adams crashed to the ground due to the impact from the back of his head. Behind him stood John Laurens, holding a big text book.

"Run!" Alex, Laf and John dashed from the classroom as fast as they could. Adams gripped his head in pain and snarled.

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" He got up and ran after them. He didn't realize that he'd forgotten his gun.

The three boys ran for their lives down the hall, Adams close behind.

"W-what do we do?! John asked as the ran.

"There's only one thing to do! You guys run and get help while hold him off."

"Non mon amie! I won't leave you, Alex!"

"I'll be fine. Hurry!" John and Lafayette nodded before dashing off.

"Alright, Adams! It's just you and me!"

"I'm so going to enjoy ending your life, Hamilton!" He charged. He threw punches left and right and Alexander dodged almost everyone. "You know, maybe after all this, I'll go after those girls or that boyfriend of yours or maybe your precious daddy!" Hearing that pissed him off. He won't hurt anyone I care about! Alex then punched Adams in the stomach. That caused the man to collapse to the ground and clutch his stomach in pain.

"Not today, Adams." Alex turned the other way. "You will not hurt anyone else." Alexander didn't realize that Adams had gotten up. In a quick motion, Adams had Alex pinned to the ground with a knife pressed to his throat. Alex was completely frozen in fear.

"It's over! Say goodbye Hamilton!" Alex squeezed his eyes shut, wait for the slice-


The pressure of the knife on his neck loosened and dead weight was dropped on the boy. He opened his eyes to see Adams lifeless body laying on top of him, blood dripping from his head. Alex pushed the body of only to see Washington with a gun pointed at Adams body, breathing heavily. It was then Alexander processed what happened. Adams was shot and killed... Washington!

Alexander changed his expression from confusion to relief.

"You know, I feel like you've been saving me a lot lately. Don't you ever get tired of that?" Washington smiled at the boy and helped him up from the ground.

"No, never. You know why?" He pulled Alexander into a hug and whispered in his ear. "Because that's what fathers do!" Alex smiled and returned the hug back.

"It's finally over."

Chapter 19 in done folks! I will tell you this isn't the last chapter! Nope! It's getting to the end thought! Very exciting! That you all so much for reading and commenting! Bye bye!

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