Chapter 15

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You know that feeling when you cry so much that it feels like your drowning in a sea you can't swim out of? The pain is too much to the point where you feel it's strangling you? You try to gasp for air, begging and pleading internally, but no avail? That's exactly how Alexander felt. Last night his best friend was shot and he wasn't called until the next morning before school. He was crumbled up on the floor, a never ending sea of tears. The pain and sensation all mixing together. It hurt. The pain was overtaking the warmth of the embrace his soon to be parents had him in. He was tired of all this. Things were finally going his way only for someone to try and rip it all away. He had an amazing group of friends. His boyfriend loved him. The Washington's wanted to take him in and care for him. He hadn't felt loved in 4 years, but now that changed. Ever since he started to open up and allow people to knock down his walls, misfortune came into the picture.

"I can't do this anymore! I can't!"




Mrs. Washington let go to get the door as her husband kept Alexander in his warm embrace.

"Thomas, girls, come in." In walked the Schuyler sisters and Thomas Jefferson. 

"We came to talk to Alexander." Peggy spoke with a dark expression. Her older sisters and Thomas held worrisome looks. Mrs. Washington left the room for privacy. Alex pulled away from Washington who started to rub soothing circles on his back.

"Alex, we're really about you-"

"Enough of this bullshit!" Peggy interrupted Angelica, glaring at Alex with pure hate. This shocked everyone. It wasn't like Peggy to get this angry. She was usually full of sunshine and love. "This is all your fault!"


"You did this! All because of you, my boyfriend could die! All you've done was burden us all. You don't deserve to be-"

"I know! I know I don't deserve to be happy because whenever I am someone gets hurt!" Alexander's tearful eyes also fulled with anger. "I told myself so many times not to get close to anyone because of my past! I didn't listen to my only rule!"

"That's not true, son-"

"I'm sorry, Washington! I'm so sorry everyone! I only brought you pain and suffering. I promise,  I'm going to make this right!" Alex stood up as started heading to the door when Eliza stepped in front of him.

"Where are you going?" She asked.


"I'm surrendering to James Hamilton!" Everyone in the room gasped. "I'm not joining him. I will never be a part of something as horrible as that gang. I'm just giving up so nobody else gets hurt."

"But he's going to kill you!" Angelica screamed as tears streamed down her face.

"So be it! My life isn't worth risking all of yours! It's the only way!"

"No! I won't let you, son!" Washington shouted. He was barely keeping it together now.

"Go ahead! Do it!" Peggy challenged. Those words left everyone in more shock.

"You better stop it right now Margarita!" Thomas shouted, voice full of venom. "You're making this worse!"

"Anyone of us could be next because of him!"

"You know that's not true!"

"Then what do we call all this going on, Jefferson?!" Eliza was now comforting a broken Alexander.

"So what are you saying, Margarita?!"

"I agree his life isn't worth saving anymore! Why don't you see that already?"

"I REFUSE TO JUST TOSS HIM ASIDE AND LET HIM DIE!" Thomas was beyond pissed. He didn't understand what was going on in this girl's brain. "We are all hurting right now, but you don't see us being immature about it. His life is NOT worth sacrificing! I'd rather DIE than let that happen. SO GROW THE FUCK UP!" Peggy then busted into tears, realizing he was right.

"I-I'm sorry! I'm so s-sorry! That was terrible of me! I'm sorry!"

"'s okay..."

"W-what?" Alexander let go of Eliza and stepped towards Peggy. He then grabbed the youngest Schuyler's hands.

"I forgive you!" More tears fell down her face.


"Because, you're our ball of sunshine! And sometimes the sun can be blocked by the clouds and the rain. The darkness has a way of overpowering the light and making you feel hopelessness. Even so, the sun won't be blocked out forever. The sun will always find a way to shine even on the darkest days." He proceeded to hug the girl. "I'm not giving up...not just yet."

"Neither will we, son." Stray tears found their down Washington's face. He was just so grateful that he wasn't going through with his plan.

"Guys, I got a text from Herc." Angelica piped up. "John's awake!" Thomas wiped away some tears before asking...

"How about we ditch school today to see John?" Everyone nodded in agreement

I know it's a short chapter and I'm sorry. I had some school work to catch up on. I'm not giving up on this story though! Thank you for all the love and support everyone! I love you guys! See ya soon!

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