Chapter 16

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"Mr. Laurens, you have some more visitors."

"You can send them in." John was in his hospital bed with Lafayette and Hercules sitting in chairs beside him, holding hands. The door then busted open.

"FRECKLES!" Alex practically ran into John as tears trickled down his face. He threw his arms around the boy. John chuckled at one of his childhood nicknames.

"Easy shortie! I'm still alive." He hugged Alex back, careful not to cause any sudden pain. The rest of the friend group came in along with the Washington's. "I'm okay Alex, really. I'm not going anywhere." They pulled apart.

"Hey sweetie." Peggy walked up to her boyfriend and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel fine. I mean sharp pain every now and then, but I'm alive." John answered.

"Well, we're all glad you're okay, John." Washington said. The group laughed and joked together for a couple of hours. Watching videos, talking about past memories and Alex told them about the adoption. They were all so excited for him.

*Time skip brought to you by our favorite freckle baby*

-One week later-

John was getting better everyday (Ha! I love my puns today!). Even after a week of seeing John in the hospital, Alex was still uncomfortable leaving John when visiting hours were up. The Washington's stepped out to wait for him.

"If anything, I'm only call away, okay?"

"Alex, I'll be fine. You've said that everyday this week. I'm leaving tomorrow"

"I know, but you're my best friend. I love you, Jackie!"

"I love you too, Lex." Alexander hugged John one last time (get it? XD). After saying their goodbyes, Alex left the room to join the Washington's.

"Okay, how about we head home for lunch?" Mrs. Washington suggested, earning a nodded from the young teen. That was when they heard a scream. They looked over to see a girl about Alexander's age wearing a red dress running away from...a Redcoat! Without warning, Alex took off after her, ignoring the calls from his soon to be parents.

The girl ran for her dear life. Some strange man was chasing her and she didn't know who or why. She eventually found herself trapped on the roof of the hospital. Bad move!

"Looks like you've run out of options!" The Redcoat trapped her. "But don't worry, I won't hurt- ack!" The Redcoat then stumbled back from the sudden punch.

"Leave her alone Adams!" Alex hissed. He quickly turned to the girl. "Get out of here. Run!" The girl did as told. She ran as fast as she could almost bumping into the Washington's.

"Whoa! Whoa! Are you okay?" Washington asked as his wife calmed the girl down.

"Yes, but that boy is still up there!" Washington immediately took off to go find his son.

"Did you come here with anyone?" Mrs. Washington asked the girl.

"I'm here with my father."

"I'll help you find him."


"You know, things wouldn't be this way if you'd give up!" Adams swung at Alex, who blocked the attack. "Why do you continue to fight it? You're nothing but a bastard, orphan, whore's son! If I don't go back with you, my boss will have my head!" He continued to attack as Alex blocked every blow. Suddenly, a helicopter hovered above them. Alexander was then distracted and Adams took advantage of it. He knocked him over causing the boy to hit his head. He started to feel dizzy. Adams then held an evil smirk and slugged Alex over his shoulder. The boy tried to squirm out of his grasp, but he felt too weak. Adams grabbed the ladder and held on.

"Alexander!" Washington ran as fast as he could as helicopter slowly began to take off. He managed to grab one of Alex's hands, gripping it as if his life depended on it.


"Don't let go, Alex!" Washington was pulling as hard as he could while Adams kept his grip.

"Give it up, George! I'm not going back without him!" Washington felt his grip slipping. Tears fell down both his and Alexander's face.

"I've got you, son!" Their hands slipping more and more.

"Dad..." That was it. He had no strength left. They slipped away, causing Washington to fall back "DAD!" That was the last thing he said before he was ripped away.

"ALEXANDER! NO!" The helicopter took off with his son! His Alexander! Gone right before his eyes! It was all his fault. He failed to protect him. He couldn't hold it back any longer. Sobs raking through his body. It felt so unrealistic. He wished this dark reality was just some dreadful nightmare.

"I'm s-so sorry Alexander! I f-failed you! I...failed!"

Well that took a turn. I didn't post a new chapter yesterday so it's only fair I post a second one today...well It's actually midnight right now, but that's okay! I'll see you guys next time!

*cries* I just tortured my favorite cinnamon roll! The fans are gonna- oh you're still here? *nervous laughter* I'm leaving!

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