Chapter 14

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"Alexander, will you allow Martha and I to adopt you?"

Those words. Nobody in this whole shitty world has ever asked that. Ever! They wanted him! They wanted him to actually be their son! They were willing to deal with all the pain and suffering to raise him. And that was the greatest thing anyone could ever do for him. Tears were now overflowing from his eyes. He was so overwhelmed with glee, he broke down.

"Y-you wanna ad- *hic* adopt m-me?" He was so scared right now. He wanted this to be real and not for someone trying to rip this away. People have tried to gain his trust in the past only to take advantage of it. But the Washington's were different, right? They had to be. Washington risked his life to save him frome the fire and protected him from these bullets. "Why would you want a burden like m-me? I-I would only c-cause you pain."

"That's not true, Alexander! Honey, George and I have enjoyed every second of having you here. We love you and it's about time you got the care that you deserve."

"You're so smart and caring! You have a very bright future, son. I want to help you achieve your goals. We want you to enjoy life's small moments."

"We'll be there to help you get ready for prom."

"We'll be watching you graduate highschool. Cheering for you in front row so loud that it'll be embarrassing."

"Celebrating when you get into the college you want to go to!"

"I'll walk you down the aisle on your wedding day!"

"Your still a child and you should be having fun and living your best life."

"We want that for you because-" Washington started to choke up a bit. "Your teenage years should be the best years of your childhood."

"We love you so much, Alex."

"So what do you say? Do you wanna be our son?" Alex only cried harder. He was so relieved this wasn't a joke. He wanted this more than anything in the world. At this very moment, all his doubt towards them completely disappeared. The answer was clear as day.

"Y-yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" Washington held out his arms and Alex ran straight into him. None of them had dry eyes. This was a beautiful moment for them. A moment they will treasure forever. The Washington's felt whole again. For their missing piece had been found. The empty spaces in Alexander's heart had been filled as well. After almost 20 minutes of tears and hugs, Washington and his wife signed the papers.

"Now all we need to do is mail them out and they will check over our background. Once that's done they will stamp the form and it will be official." Washington explained.

"We have to wait four weeks for that? That'll take forever." Alex half whined. Martha chuckled at his childish side.

"We should celebrate! Let's go out for dinner today. Alex would you like to pick where to eat?"

"Um, how about...Applebee's!" (Cuz it's the BEST!)

"Alright then! Applebee's it is!" The family made their way into the car, off to their celebratory dinner.

*Time skip brought to you by our precious cinnamon roll agreeing to the adoption!*

John was on his way home from the Schuyler mansion, where he was studying with Peggy. It took then 2 hours to get their work done, due to being distracted by each other. They kept stopping to make constant eye contact. John snickered at the memory. I love that girl.


His thoughts were cut short by a pain in his shoulder. He took a glance.


John then fell to the ground as his vision began to blur.


Boy, you got me helpless! Look into your eyes and the sky's the limit. I'm helpless-

"Hello? Speaking. WHAT?! O-Okay. B-Bye." The youngest Schuyler began to weep. The disturbing phone call she received engraved into her mind. How can this happen? I just saw him about a half an hour ago!

"Peggy? Are you okay." Angelica entered the room. "Why are you crying?"

"It's J-John! Something bad happened to him!" Eliza then joined them after hearing all the commotion

"What happened to John?" The middle Schuyler sister asked.

*Time skip brought to you by traumatic events*

It was 7 in the morning, almost time to go to school. Alexander was sitting in the living room with his soon to be parents. He was typing away on his laptop as Washington was reading a book and Mrs. Washington was knitting a blanket.




Alex closed his laptop, placing it on the couch. He picked up his phone and answered it, standing up.

"Hey Peggy! What's- Eliza? Where's Peggy? Why is she crying?" The words that came out the girl's mouth nearly made him drop his phone. Tears brimmed in his eyes. Once the other end went dead, Alex crumbled to the ground. No! Not John! My best friend!

"Alexander? What's wrong?" Washington was immediately by the boy's side. Alex clung to him as he sobbed. Mrs. Washington watched worryingly as Washington rubbed his son's back. "Alexander?" The boy pulled away, tears still flowing.

"It's J-John!"

"What about him son?"

"He was..."

"...shot by a Redcoat!"

Welp! I've been pretty mean to you guys with these cliffhangers huh? Sorry! I was watching some videos with Lin Manuel Miranda and Christopher Jackson together and...AHHHHHH! THEY HAVE THE CUTEST FRIENDSHIP! AHEM! Okay, bye for now!

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