Chapter 17

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"Please, I'm begging you! You have to find him!" Washington was practically yelling at the police officer, tears running down his face. It had been a day since Alexander was taken from him. He had never been more afraid in his whole life. This boy is in serious danger and the damn police haven't found him yet! "His kidnapper goes by the name John Adams..."

"I know sir-"

"My wife and I are in the process of adopting him..."

"Sir, please-"

"I can't lose another child! Please, I never got to meet my baby. Alexander is all I have left!"

"Please, you have to bring back our son." Mrs. Washington sobbed. "Please...please..."

"Our forces are doing everything they can to find him. I will do whatever it takes to bring him back home safe and sound." The officer then left their house, leaving the Washington's alone.

"George, what are we going to do?" Washington looked over at his wife.

He's gone...because you couldn't protect him!


Goodbye George...I'm leaving you!

"...don't go..."

"W-what? George...?"

"It's nothing love. I'm just really worried about our boy."

"I know am I."

"It feels wrong just sitting here and doing nothing..."


Lafayette felt tears roll down his cheeks. He felt so helpless. The reason for this feeling, the text he received from his boyfriend.

Hot_Pants<3: I just got word from Washington

🥖Large~Baguette🥖: About what?

Hot_Pants<3: Alex was kidnapped...that gang has him

He wanted this to some sick joke. It had to be! It was so cruel. Alexander didn't deserve the pain and suffering he was forced to go through. A hand placed on his shoulder causing him to jump.

"Whoa, easy Laf!" It was Thomas. "It's just me. Why are you crying?" Lafayette suddenly found it hard to speak. The words he wanted to say jumbled in his mind as he wiped away his tears. Thomas's worrisome expression changed to anger. "Did Herc break up with you? That guy's so in for it-"

"It's not Herc!" Thomas flinched at the sudden shout.

"Alex a été kidnappé par les Redcoats! Il pourrait être mort pour tout ce que nous savons!" Thomas gasped. Did he hear that correctly? His Alexander was kidnapped? Thomas's blood began to boil. No! Not today Satan! He got up and ran to his mother's room and went under her bed. He pulled out a box and ripped it open. He pulled out a pistol and loaded the bullets. Once he was done, he left the room and made his way to the front door. Before he had the chance to grab the doorknob a hand grabbed his wrist. He was now face to face with Lafayette.

"Where do you think you're going? Tante Jane is going to be pissed if she finds out you took her gun without permission!"

"I'm going to look for Alex!"

"Not alone. Let me help!"

"Laf, I can't ask you to risk your life."

"Well you didn't! Alex is like a brother to me and I would do anything for him. I'm not letting you go alone." Thomas thought about it for a moment. He didn't like the idea of bring his younger cousin along on a dangerous 'mission.' He lost Alexander and he wasn't going to lose anyone else. But maybe having some help will increase his chances success.

"It will be full of danger." He reminded him.

"Danger is middle name! Let's do it!"

"Okay, just stay close."

*Time skip brought to you by two french spies*

Alexander laid dead on ground in a dark room. Well...not dead per say. He was unconscious from fighting his kidnappers. It was exhausting and drained every bit of energy he had.

"Wake up kid!" One of the Redcoats dumped a bucket of cold water on him, causing the young teen to groan. He coughed as he awoken. He didn't know where he was. He tried to move only to realize his hands were tied behind his back. He was starting to freak out.

"Where am I?" He got the courage to ask. The man smirked at the boy's fear.

"Bosses place! He's been waiting a long time to see you." The man then proceeded to kick Alex in the ribs. Alexander yelped at the content. The man sneered at him before leaving. Alex struggled against the rope. He didn't care about the throbbing pain in his ribs or the burns the rope left on his wrist. He just wanted to get out of there...alive! James won't hesitate to kill him. He didn't when it was his mother or older brother.


"Um, Thomas? How are we going to just find him?" Lafayette asked as the two walked the streets of New York.

"I've got John tracking Alex's cellphone. I just hope he still has it on him or at least nearby." Thomas was now looking at his phone checking for any updates with John. He smiled once he was given an address.

Turtle.Boi🐢: 1350 Avenue Park (Made that up btw)

"I got an address!"

"You did?!"

"Yes! Let's go Laf!" Thomas grabbed his hand and ran the direction of the address. What they didn't know was someone was watching them...

Washington! He was on his way to the police station when heard what they were planing to do. It's not safe for them to go alone! They could get themselves killed! He decided to follow the duo. He needed to be there in case they got themselves into any trouble and maybe they were in the right direction. Maybe he had a chance of finding his son.

"I'm coming Alexander."

Sorry guys! He's not back. I swear it'll get better! He's not dead and his friends are looking for him. I'll see you beautiful people next time!


Alex a été kidnappé par les
Redcoats! Il pourrait être mort pour tout ce que nous savons!:

Alex was kidnapped by the Redcoats! He could be dead for everything we know!

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