Chapter 6

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The last thing on Alexander's mind was the history lesson Mr. Greene was teaching. If there were any classes on his mind, it's math. I mean...HIS MATH TEACHER TRIED TO KIDNAP HIM LAST NIGHT! So yeah, wouldn't you be worried too? He thought back to what Washington told him before he went to history.

If Adams is dumb enough to show up today, don't go to his class. Come straight here, son.

He knew he couldn't win an argument against Washington, so he agreed. Like he expected before, Washington is not going to let it go easily. Instead he just nodded and went to class.

"Mr. Hamilton!"

"Ahhhhh!" Alexander jumped up from being startled. In the process, he dropped all his notes onto the ground. "S-sorry Mr. Greene..."

"Hmm, please pay attention."

"Yes s-sir." Alex picked up his notes and reorganized them. Eliza shot him a worried look. He looked back at her and gave her a reassuring smile. She then smiled back and went back to taking notes.

Biology wasn't different for Alex. He kept spacing out throughout the class. He couldn't get his mind to focus on the work in front of him. He was chewing on his pen feeling more anxious than the previous class. The thought of any of his friends or the Washington's getting hurt because of him, he wouldn't be able to live with himself. His world would burn.


The pen Alex was chewing on suddenly burst, leaving ink all over himself and his desk. Angelica noticed this and giggled before making her way over to him. John soon followed.

"Are you okay?" She half laughed.

"Yeah, you only chew on your pen when something's bothering you." John added.

"Whaaaat? No I don't" Alex responded as he started twirling his hair.

"Alexander Hamilton I know your lying to me. You always twirl your hair when you lie."

Alexander sighed. "I can never win against you, huh Laurens?"

"Nope!" John grabbed some paper towels and helped Alex clean up.

"Are you still worried about us Alexander?" Angelica asked.

"Of course. I dragged you all into my personal life." Alex claimed. "I've endangered everyone."

"Don't say that, Lex! It's not true. John tried to comfort, placing a hand on his shoulder. Despite not not wanting to, Alex pulled away and raised his hand.

"Mr. Paine?"

"Yes, Alexander?"

"May I go to the bathroom?"

"Go right ahead."

Alex dashed right out the door, making his way to the restroom. He grabbed some paper towels and cleaned himself up.

*Time skip brought to you by a totally relatable Alexander moment*

Classes were over for the day and the friends made their way to the front gates.

"Will you be alright, Alex?" Herc asked his friend.

"I'm sure." Alex responded. "Don't worry guys. I would say I'll call you if anything, but I lost my phone in the car chase."

"No worries, mon amie. If anything, you know where I live." Laf offered, earning a nod from the shorter male. At that, they heard a car horn honk.

"Alexander, you ready to go?" Washington called from the drivers seat.

"That's me. I'll see you guys tomorrow, okay?" Alex grabbed his bag and walked over to the car. He got in the seat next to the driver seat and he waved to his friends.

"Bye Alex!" They called.

"Bye." Then, they pulled away.

The car ride was mostly silent. The awkward kind. Alexander never expected for things turn the way they did. Running from a gang, an insane deadly car chase and now he's living with his English teacher. This was his life now. The silence was broken when spoke.

"Does Martha know that I'm...?"

"I talked with her about it yesterday."

"Oh o-okay then."

"No need to be nervous, Alexander. It's only me."

"I know. It's just I never thought I would be living with you."

"I know it may feel a little odd, but I care about your well being. After last night, I can't do nothing knowing your out on the streets." Alex nodded, barely noticeable. He just couldn't understand, why? Why does he care about him? There's nothing special about him. Even if he does care, how would he know Washington wouldn't betray him like his own father?

"We're here Alexander."

They pulled off their seatbelts and exited the car. As Alex walked up to the front door, his anxiety rose. Washington unlocked the door and...

Oops! Another cliffhanger! I know it's a short chapter, sorry. Online school kinda sucks! I'm not giving up though. That's a promise! Sayonara!

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