Chapter 13

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"I-I'm sorry, boss! I swear, I was going to get him! Washington barged in and I had to go before he could see who I am! I left a note with your signature-"



"It's all a part of the plan, sir. We want Washington to think we're giving him the choice and that the boy is safe for now. And when he's alone least expects it, he'll be all yours."

"Perhaps it could work. I will allow you to carry out your plan on two conditions."

"Anything boss."

"You are to work with Reynolds, King and Lee. I will give you full control."

"Thank you sir-"

"However! If you disappoint me, you will go straight to the fire pit for your punishment. If that boy gets killed before you bring him to me, you're next!"

"I w-won't disappoint you sir!"

"Good! You're dismissed, Adams!"

"Yes boss!"


"Darn it! I got a freaking 68% on the math test! I'm so gonna get it!" Peggy whined as she threw her test to the side. She, Alex and Thomas were getting their scores handed back and Peggy wasn't happy with hers. Alex and Thomas then looked at theirs.

"I got an 87!" Thomas smiled. "What did you get, Lexi?"

"110! I got the extra credit question right- wait! Did you just call me Lexi?" Alex's face flushed.

"I figured since we're together now, I'd give up a nickname so that everyone knows you're mine~" Thomas flirted as he wrapped his arm around Alexander's shoulder. This caused the shorter boy to giggle.

"Awww! You guys are so cute together! Hey! Maybe we can schedule a triple date! Jeggy, Mullette, and Jamilton time!"

"Did you really come up with ship names?"

"Thomas, this is Peggy you're asking. I'd be worried if she didn't." They busted into laugher when they suddenly heard the bell ring.

"Yes! Dismissal! Wait, no! Now I have to show my dad my horrible grade!"

"Awww, don't worry Pegs! I'll study with you next time."

"You're a lifesaver Ham-Man!"

"I gotta go guys! I'm meeting Washington at his classroom."

"I'll walk you, Lexi."

"I gotta find John. See ya boys!"

"Bye Pegs!" Peggy then dashed off to find her boyfriend as Alex and Thomas grabbed hands, off to Washington's classroom. Along the way, Thomas was telling Alex some horrible pick up lines.

"What about this? Hi, my name is Microsoft! Can I crash at your house?" Alexander laughed so hard, he his ribs were soar.

"T-Thomas! What the hell!" He said through his laughter. They entered the classroom and saw Washington packing up.

"One more Alex! I swear!"

"Oh god no!"

"Even if there wasn't gravity, I'd still fall for you!" Alex lost it. Alex fell to the ground in a fit of laughter.

"Oh my god! I can hardly breathe!"

"C'mon Lexi!" Thomas helped Alexander up and gave him a goodbye kiss on the cheek. He then left him and Washington alone.

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