Chapter 4

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"Whenever you're ready, son."

Alex looked up to see everyone staring at him. They all looked...worried. Let's be real, they were all in danger because of him. All because he got close to them. At least, that's what he felt. Keep everyone at arms length. That's what he used to tell himself. However, these people he befriended made their way into his heart more and more every day.

"It's a long story, but if you're all willing to listen, I'll tell you everything." The others nodded in response.

"When I was younger, I lived a small place in the Caribbean called Nevis." Alex started. "I had everything I ever wanted. I had a loving mother, a caring father and protective older brother named James. My family was very poor, but we were grateful for what we had. The schools there weren't very good either, but it was the best we could do. However, by the time I became 10, things changed. My dad started coming home late. He was always drunk or high. He also-" His voice cracked. "He also c-cheated on my mom, multiple times. He became abusive. He would always hit us, telling us how useless we were. I d-didn't feel safe in my own home anymore."

Washington started to rub circles on the now shaking Alexander. The other's in shock to hear what he went through. Alex wiped a stray tear from his cheek before continuing.

"One d-day, I came h-home from school with James, and we saw our dad yelling at our mom. When we got to her, he said he couldn't take it anymore. I-I was scared and confused. I didn't know what was going on until...

...he pulled out a gun and shot at us."

The others gasped in shock. His own father tried to kill him? Why would he do such a thing?

"M-my mother and brother were shot and killed. I got down to the ground just in time. I played dead until I knew he was gone for sure. Once, he was...I-I ran."

Tears pricked in everyone's eyes. It was so painful to hear. It was so...horrible.

"I knew I had to flee because if he somehow found me alive, he wouldn't hesitate to kill me. I snuck onto a ship and hid in the howl (ship basement, I think). The trip was unbearable. I got really sick, to the point where I almost died and we sailed through a hurricane. Once I got to New York, I made a vow not to get too close to anyone, but that failed."

"Wait. If you lost your family, who do you live with?" Thomas asked, afraid of the answer he might get. Alexander bit his lip. He knew he wasn't going to hear the end of it, especially from Washington.

"I-I don't have a h-home." He confessed. Thomas's eyes widened as Peggy threw her hands over her mouth. The Washington's exchanged worried expressions. "I-It's been this way since I moved here. I'm not proud of it, but I had to lie, cheat and steal to survive. I would go to school every day and act as if everything was fine and it was for a little while."

"What happened?" Peggy asked, tears streaming down her face.

"The Redcoats. They found out about me. Their leader wants me alive. He gave me the choice to join his gang or...die."

"But why does he want YOU, son?" Washington asked. Alexander dropped his head, squeezing his eyes shut as memories cloud his mind.

"You know Alexander, my boss would really love to meet you."

"The principal?"

"No, my other boss. He says he has some unfinished business with you!"


"Huh?" Alex snapped out of his thoughts.

"Is that what Adams was talked to you about today?" Washington asked. Damn! This guys was reading his mind!

"Yeah, it was."

"But what does the Redcoats leader have anything to do with you?" Peggy asked. Alex stood silent. He didn't want them to worry about him. He just wanted to go back to the way things were. He wanted to protect the ones he loved, but after tonight, things will never be the same.


"The Redcoats leader is...

...James Hamilton... father"

Gasp! Another cliffhanger! Sorry (not sorry)! The drama has only begun! Mwah Haha! Thanks for reading guys! Adios!

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