Chapter 8

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Alexander shut off his alarm. He expected to wake to the sounds of cars passing by, but felt uneasy when he heard quiet. He bolted up in slight fear. It took him a minute to realize that he was in the Washington's home. He then got out of bed and started to prepare for the day. Usually, Alexander loved school more than any other place, but today was different. No, it wasn't because it was Friday. He had an odd feeling inside. He quickly brushed it off grabbing his school bag and heading down stairs to the dining room. He was immediately greeted by Mrs. Washington.

"Good morning, Alex."

"Good morning Mrs. Wash- I mean M-Martha."

"Are you hungry?" Alexander shyly nodded. He sat at the table as Mrs. Washington placed a plate in front of him. Just then, Washington walked into the room.

"Good morning, Alexander. Good morning, Martha." He kissed his wife on the cheek.

"Got some breakfast ready for you." She handed him a plate. "Have you told him yet? About Adams?"

"Not yet." Washington sat at the table next to Alex. "Alexander, I have news on Adams."

"Y-you do?"

"No need to worry, son. It's good news. I received a call from the police and the school board last night. Adams was fired." Alex nearly choked on his bacon.


"He will no longer be an issue at school anymore." Alex breathed a breath of relief.

"Oh, thank god! I was a nervous wreck this morn- I mean...that works." Washington chuckled at the boy. That was Alexander. He was never one to tell people his true feelings about anything.

*Time skip brought to you by a near death experience with bacon*





"What!" Alex jumped in his seat. He was in English class and he seemed to space out. "What happened?"

"I called you about 20 times!" Hercules called. Alex looked at his friends to see an empty seat.

"Where's Thomas?" He asked as he looked around the classroom."

"Bathroom." Lafayette answered. "Also, I saw the way you were staring at him." Laf raised a brow at Alex.

"Y-you don't know what your t-talking about."

"Oh, c'mon Alex. I know when someone's in love when I see it." Herc jumped in.

"Vous rêvez de monter dans le pantalon de mon cousine?" (I low-key cringed writing this part)

The flustered Alex blushed deeply at Lafayette's comment. He didn't know how to respond to something like that. For the first time in his life, he was speechless.

"Shut up, frenchie!" Herc and Laf busted into laughter at the younger boy's comeback. "I-I'm not gay..."

"Alex, it's okay if you are. If anyone were to understand..." Hercules grabbed Lafayette's hand. "'s us."

"What? Holy shit! Did you guys finally get together?"

"Surprise!" The new couple cheered.

"About time! Geez, what took you so long?" Alex joked. They all laughed and continued to tease each other until Thomas came back.

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