Chapter 12

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George! Come quick!

What's wrong, love? Are you okay?

I'm pregnant!

*gasp* That's amazing!

I'm gonna be a mother!

*tears up* I'm gonna be a dad!


I can't wait to meet our son!

What if I'm not a good enough father?

Oh George, I think you'll be wonderful.

I hope so. I love you!

Love you too honey!


George, help!

Martha what's wrong- oh my god!

Call an ambulance!

*on call* My wife is bleeding out!



Mr. Washington come in.

Is she okay?

She' alive. She almost didn't make it. Unfortunately, the baby is-

What's wrong with my baby?



I'm sorry for your loss...!


Where's Alexander?!

I just got a call from the police...

Police? Martha what's going on?!

He was shot and killed by a man in a red jacket.

No! It can't be! I promised him! I promised!

He's gone...because you couldn't protect him!


Goodbye George...I'm leaving you!


Washington bolted up from bed. His breathing was rapid and sweat dripped down his face. It took him some time to see he was in bed, his wife next to him. It was just a nightmare. He leaned over his wife, placing a kiss on her cheek. When he pulled away he whispered...

"I'd be lost without you, Martha. I love you." He got up and tip toed out his bedroom to Alexander's. He quietly opened the door to see the sleeping boy. Washington sighed in relief and walked over to the boy. He looked so peaceful in his sleep.

"I want you to know that we care Alex. We care so much that it hurts." He bent down a kissed the boy's forehead. "I love you, son. I hope you say yes when the day comes." Alexander smiled in his sleep. Washington exit the room, closing the door behind him.

*Time skip brought to you by nightmares that keep you up all night*

Alexander was dropped off at his meeting spot with friends and was immediately attacked with hugs. He bombarded with questions. Alex was explaining what happened as Washington went to go park the car. Once he he was about to exit, he saw a piece of paper on the floor of the passenger seat. The note. He read it to himself. As he did, he remembered the look on Alexander's face. HIS Alexander! The tears that ran down his face.

I just got a call from the police...

Police? Martha what's going on?!

He was shot and killed by a man in a red jacket.

Washington jumped out of his thoughts. He shoved the note in his pocket to bring to the police for evidence later. He wasn't going to let anyone get away with this. Alex doesn't deserve this. His phone began to ring.

"Hello?" He answered. "Speaking. Yes. Really? That's great! I hear it's a four week process? Okay, then. I'll pick up the adoption papers after work. Thank you. Bye." He hung up. A tear rolled down his cheek. He never thought he would EVER have the chance. He wanted it. Martha wanted it. Alexander...wanted it! It was so exciting! After composing himself, Washington left the car, of to his first class, with his soon to be son.


"I'll see you all later!"

"Bye Alex!" Alex walked hand in hand with Thomas as Lafayette and Hercules did the same. The four of them were heading off to English.

"Did any of you guys finish the essay for English?" Laf asked.

"I'm almost done." Thomas replied.

"And I'm almost started!" They all laughed at Herc's comment.

"I finished it yesterday."

"Of course you did, Alex." That was when Alexander noticed Thomas's hand was shaking.

"Thomas? Are you okay?"

" I-I ask you something, Alex?"

"Sure!" Thomas grabbed Alex's hands and got down on one knee.

"Thomas, wait are you doing?" Alex found himself blushing.

"Alexander Hamilton, I love you so much! Even through this hell that you are forced to face, you still care for everyone else before yourself. I wanna be the one to care for you. Will my boyfriend?" Alex was speechless. He loves me? Wait, if I say yes, that will put him in more danger. James will hurt him to get to me. He stopped for a minute. No! I finally have a chance to live a normal life! I'm not going to let that asshole make me live in fear.



"Yes Thomas!" Thomas then picked Alex up and held him close. They shared a sweet passionate kiss as Lafayette and Herc cheered for them.

"Whoo hoo! Way to go, lovebirds!" Herc cheered! They all laughed as they entered the classroom.

"Good morning, boys" Washington greeted as they entered. He seemed to notice Alex and Thomas holding hands, because he smiled and asked, "Anything interesting happen?"




"Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson are boyfriends!"


"Sorry! It slipped!" Washington grined at the new couple.

"That's great to hear, son. Class is about to start so be sure to get your essays ready. They're due Friday." The boys made their way to their seats. Alexander had already completed his essay sat at his seat bored. He then grabbed a pen out of his pencil case and started scribbling stars on the cuffs of his jeans. Thomas looked up from his laptop and smiled. The next thing he knew, he was daydreaming about his Alexander.

Oh my god! That happened! Jamilton is official! Washingdad is starting the adoption process! YES! Things are going GREAT! For how long though? I wonder...meh! See y'all next time!

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