Chapter 10

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It was 2 am when Washington woke up to an odd smell. He drowsily sat up in his bed, looking over at his wife. He proceeded to lightly shake and call her.

"Martha? Martha!" His voice barely above a whisper. Her eyes fluttered open and laid on her husband.

"George? What's wrong?" She asked, rubbing her eyes.

"Do you smell that?" Mrs. Washington sniffed the air to see what he was talking about.

"It smells like-" They then shared a look of fear.

"SMOKE!" Washington grabbed his wife's hand and rushed out to room. Fire! Fire and smoke filled the hall, blurring their vision. He lead her through the hall, carefully and stopped at the stairs.

"Martha, I'll meet you outside. I have to get Alexander!" She frantically nodded.

"Please be careful, love." She then rushed down the stairs. Washington dashed off to Alexander's room. As soon as he entered to room he felt his chest tighten. Alex laid on the ground unconscious as the fire surrounded him. He also saw someone with a red jacket retreating out of the window due to being caught. Washington wanted to grab the intruder to prevent him from leaving, but he had something more important to worry about. That somethi- someone was Alexander. He had no choice but to let the intruder escape. The roaring flames, getting closer and enclosing the boy. He didn't have time to think. His body moved on its own, like it was on instinct. He ran into the flames, getting burned on his wrist in the process. He picked up Alex bridal style and ran. He was more careful this time because he had a the boy in his arms. Even with his vision blurring and smoke causing discomfort to his lungs, the only thought that remained on his mind was protect Alexander.

George made his way over to his wife with Alex still in his arms as firefighters tried to calm the fire. An EMT member lead them to the ambulance where Alexander was placed on the stretcher. As they drove off to the hospital, the paramedics were caring for Alexander and giving Washington and his wife a check up. They cared for his burn and wrapped it up.

*Time skip brought to you by a daring fatherly rescue*

Alex woke in a bed. He still wasn't used to the fact that he wasn't living on the cold streets anymore, but this time was different. He saw bright lights and felt something on his face. It was an oxygen mask. He was also connected to an IV bag and had bandages on his arms. Alex slowly sat up to see the Washington's with their heads down. They looked up and Alex saw tears in both their eyes.

"A-Alex?" That's all it took. That gentle caring voice saying his name caused a few tears to slip down his face. They rushed over by his side and embraced him. He felt warmth and serenity. Mrs. Washington kissed him on his head. They took a step back to give him some space. Mrs. Washington left to go find the nurse as Alex was getting questioned by Washington.

"How do you feel, son?" Washington started.

"I feel fine."

"Do you remember anything?"

"I woke up to a weird sound. I looked over at my window and it was open. I was confused because I know I didn't open it. The next thing I knew was I saw lit up matches being thrown into my room. I panicked and was about to call for help when I felt a hand go over my mouth. I tried to fight who ever it was but I started to feel weak and passed out on the ground."

"Did you get a look at who it was?"

"N-no. The room was too dark- your wrist!" Alexander noticed the bandages on Washington's left wrist. Washington looked down at his wrist, then back at Alex. "What happened?"

"I got burned trying to get to you. I'll be fine Alexander."

"No, no, no, no, no! This is all my fault!" Alex began to panic.

"You've done nothing wrong. It's not-"

"They're after me! Because you are looking after me they hurt you! I care about you and Martha, so you should just save yourselves from anymore trouble!"

"I'm not gonna do that to you, son-"

"STOP CALLING ME SON! I'M NOT YOUR REAL SON NO MATTER HOW MUCH I WANT TO BE!" Washington froze. Did he hear that correctly?


"WHY DO YOU CARE ABOUT ME?!" Washington pulled Alex close to his chest as Alex began to weep.He started rubbing soothing circles on the boy's back. That moment, nurse and Mrs. Washington then entered the room.

"I care so much about you Alexander. You're such a smart and caring boy. I would walk through that fire again and again if it were the only way to save you" Those words caused the boy to cry harder. "Remember the first day you came to stay with me and Martha? I promised I would protect you and I'm not going to break it. Ever!" Alexander sniffled as he started to calm down. This man said he cared about him like so many other did in the past. Those people hurt and betrayed him. George Washington was different. He risked his life to save his. Alex spoke. He said something that he never thought he would. Especially to Washington. At the moment, there was no hesitation or fear of being rejected. After the events that occurred, he felt more certain. The words that left his lips caused Washington to tear up. He said...

"Thanks dad!"

Ahhhhhh! I'm gonna cry! Washingdad is the best! Nobody can say otherwise! I know I'm evil, but look at my little Alex! Acceptance! Can you imagine? I'll see y'all next chapter! Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go cry happy tears! Tootle-oo!

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