Chapter 1

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Alexander waited for his friends at the gates of his school. He sat next to a sign that read 'Kings High School' waiting for the crazy people that he called his friends. He smiled at the memories he's had with his friends. From meeting in the fifth grade, to to hangout at the cafe before school in the mornings. He can't but smile at the memories of the past four years.


A familiar voice pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Hey John!" He called back. John Laurens. His best friend since elementary school. The two were like brothers. John made his way over to Alex and wrapped his arm around his shoulder.

"Hey buddy! How was your weekend?" He asked with a bright smile.

"Same as always." Alex responded. "Studying, studying, studying." John chuckled at his best friend.

"I really think you should get out more."

"And I really think you should man up and ask Peggy out already."

John's face suddenly turned red as he blushed. Once he got to the seventh grade, he realized he had a crush the one and only Peggy Schuyler. Alex thought John and Peggy would make an adorable couple. They're both like a ball of sunshine on a rainy day. It was obvious to everyone in the friend group that the two liked each other.


"Mes amis!"

Alex and John looked over to see Lafayette and Hercules waving at them and waved back. They joined there friends.

"HEY GUYS!" Herc greeted. The others laughed at his enthusiasm.

"Herc, mon amor-amie no need to be so loud." Laf joked, but blushed when Alex gave him a look saying, 'I heard that' with a smirk.

"So, we're just waiting on the sisters?" John asked changing the subject.

"Yeah, don't worry John! Your princess will be here soon." Herc joked.

"Oh, be quiet Herc! I'm sure there's a 'special someone' that you feel the same way about. And you too Laf."

At this point, John, Laf and Herc were all red from embarrassment. Alex just stood there, laughing at his friends faces.

"Guys, this is priceless!" He laughed. "I don't know what's taking you guys so long to ask your crushes out already."

"Oh, Mon amie, it's harder than you think." Laf said, scratching the back of his neck.

"Pffft! You guys make it harder than it has to be."

"Trust me Alex, you'll understand when you fall in love." John said, raising a brow.

"Ha! There's no way in hell I would ever-! Wait, w-who is that?" Alex cut himself off, as he pointed to a boy. The boy looked to be about Laf's height and have curly hair just like his. The only difference being his hair wasn't tied back like Laf's, and his facial expressions. It was like a hotter version of Laf. Wait, what?

"That's mon cousine." Laf answered. "He just transferred here today." Laf then ran over to the boy and they started talking. After almost a minute, Laf grabbed the boys hand and pulled him along back to his friends.

"Guys, this is my cousin, Thomas Jefferson. Thomas, these are my friends, John, Hercules, and Alexander."

Thomas waved an the group and smiled at Alex.

"Nice to meet you." Thomas spoke. At that moment, he locked eyes with Alex. Those beautiful brown eyes. Wow! The way they sparkled! The moment was gone when they heard...

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