chapter 2

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Me: What do you mean you sent a letter a week ago? I looked at my parents with frustration as they deliver the news that they sent a letter to the Siwa family. A family at the outskirts of this Village that they know nothing about.
Dad: Exactly that son. We asked for the girl hand in marriage on your behalf. I laughed so much that they both looked at me as if am crazy.
Me: Its amazing how to the world am the greatest and feared CEO of Langa Enterprises and yet when I come home instead of being treated like an adult am treated like a child. Why are you both so hell bent in me getting married father? Haven't the past thought you anything at all? What is wrong with you people. I rubbed my head in frustration as I paced around the office.
Me: What did the answer say?
Dad: They haven't answered yet. I laughed again.
Me:obviously They don't know if this is a joke or a neighbor pranking them or the girl has a brain and she using it. People talk outside these walls. How old is she?
Dad: we dont know
Me: What do you know?
Dad: That she is the one son. Look i know you frustrated and frankly Am embarrassed that we have to go through these lengths but this is your Life Thulasizwe now swallow it and live with it. I looked at him as my blood started boiling and my eyes turned gold. He stepped away since he knew too well what might happen. But I forced the beast down and control it thinking of something else and counting to Ten.
Me: You, A whole king, my father and a man with his own beast is afraid of me. Am your son father and you fear that I might rip you apart yet you do things that might make me lose control. Kutheni unenkani nje?( why are you so stubborn?) I looked at my lovely mother who looked at me with so much love. And I slowly calm down.
Mom: From the time I was pregnant with you, i knew that you were different. We tried for years to have a child but nothing and than you came along. A beautiful baby boy with a big heart. Never mind all the other things that are happening around you or within you. Just remember you are everything that I prayed for and more. She kissed my cheek and left the room.

Its been two days since iv asked my father to agree to the proposal that was sent. Today is the day that my uncles and the kingdom squad come over to talk about lobola. I haven't seen the prince. I have no idea if he looks like an old grizzly bear or a normal clean human. I don't know how old he is, if his dumb, smart or even have teeth. I sat in my room with two of my cousins Sinamele and Andiswa.
Sinamele: So vele we going to ignore the rumors? She asked looking at me as if am stupid or iv grown a head.
Me: what rumors?
Andiswa: They say the bride/the intended of the prince never makes it to the alter
Me: why?
Sinamele: They die slima(idiot) , it's either bathwala ngabo or bayabadla( its either they use them for witch craft or they eat them) i laughed so hard that I had to close my mouth with my hand. My mother quickly walked in and looked at me laughing with tears forming.
Ma: And than?
Me: Lutho ma( its nothing) she went out and I looked at my two cousins.
Me: Its just rumors.
Andiswa: I hear he always has sunglasses on and has a big strong guy with a scar that follows him everywhere he goes
Me: His a prince ofcause he will have a bodyguard.
Sinamele: I heard that the last girl that he asked to marry the day before he wanted to surprise her with a hike and a picnic and she was attacked by an animal ripping her head apart.
Andiswa: I heard that all the other small kingdom don't want to marry they daughters to him hence You were asked.
Me: Okay girls enough. I really dont want to hear what you heard. If I want to know something ill ask him myself when I meet him now please let change the conversation. Just than my mother walk in holding a head wrap that was black and white. It had a Lion outlined with white in a black material. He helped wrap it around my head in a beautiful style than took out white Ochre and did Umchokzo( face painting) on my face making beautiful dots in a pattern. When done she inspected her work then the woman started singing in the kitchen as I walked with my cousins to the lounge. I sat on a straw mat looking down. All i could see were they black shining shoes.
Dad: This is the Lady we were talking about and that iv accepted gift for. My father pointed at me
And I lifted my head up to look around the room and saw old men and my heart sank but my smile was fixed. One of the men, I think he was the king based on the stick he was carrying smiled at me and nodded in approval. " unfortunately the prince is not here today, I will let him know of the beauty of this flower you have gifted us with Mr Siwa" he smiled and i looked down. After the negotiations we dished out for them. Than later on we had to send gifts to them in like groceries singing and dancing. The following day they came with blankets and gifts for my family and The Prince was here wearing his White Shirt and black pants. After the gift we changed to similar outfits and he danced for me and the whole village rejoiced. After all that I was locked in a room where all the married old ladies gave me advice about marriage. I never slept a wink that night and didn't even have time to be alone with the Prince to speak I had so many questions to ask. Early in the morning my mother came to my room.
Ma:This is still your home, its forever open for you.
Me:Thank you mama
Ma: Now represent us well my child, i raised a lady not a hooligan. She smiled and hugged me. After that We drove to the Palace with armed guards and all of my belongings. We got to a very much decorated Palace and all its people and the traditional wedding was in palace. After all the rituals were done I was now in the garden walking with the Prince and of cause the famous guard who didn't look as bad as everyone suggested. Yes he had a scar on his left side of his face but he wasn't scary looking at all. We were walking in utter silence. I bent down and removed my shoes and walked bare feet. He looked at me oddly but didn't say anything. I kept my cool because I was not about to break the silence plus i liked the silence and the cold effect that the grass is doing to my feet. We walked with the guard a few feet away.
Yanga: You looked beautiful. He said out of the blue. I smiled at him and stopped and looked him up and down and than continued to walk.
Me: You looked not to bad yourself. He chuckled a smooth laugh that sounded throaty yet cool at the same time. He took out a box from his pocket as we neared the fountain. He was now standing  in front of me and I must say the Prince was beyond handsome. He has light brown eyes that are close to goldish in color. He had dark black skin that is smooth. It wasn't to black nor too light but just right. He has a strong jawline and he flexed it when he is thinking or before he says something. He looked like Thapelo Mokoena but a with the skin tone of Fezile Makhanya. He open a the box to reveal the most beautiful necklace iv ever seen in my life. Its was sliver and the pendant was shaped like a pear and it was goldish yellow like his eyes.
Yanga: May I? I turned and he helped knot the chain. " its looks beautiful"
Me:Thank you. We were both quiet for some time and I looked to see the guard looking the other way. I stood on my tip toes and placed a kiss on his cool cheek. He touched it as if he electrocuted and looked at me with shook. I smiled and walked back to the house, leaving him standing there rooted to the ground.

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