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I was nervous sitting there listening to my grandfather and Khanyisa father argue pointlessly without any resolutions. I looked at the man with the gun at the corner. He looked at me than turned to look at my grandfather and Mr langa at it.
Me: urhm... they all turned and looked at me. "Well if it not to much to ask from both of you but Will it be possible to marry Khanyisa " they both kept quiet and looked at me stunned.
Mr Langa: You want to marry my daughter?
Me: Yes
Mr Langa: why?
Me: Am not sure if you have been aware but lately she been distant and she been down and I hate for that to continue. Ill like to make her whole again. He looked at me for awhile than got up and stood in front of me
Mr Langa: Your family and my family have a past, a horrible past but that shouldn't stand on your way of happiness. Am willing to give you my blessing so long you promise that her happiness will be your first priority
Me: Sir I love your daughter, She completes me as much as I wish to complete her. She is my world and my happiness is dependent on her happiness too.
Mr Langa: Than you have my blessings. He shook my hand as his eyes turned darker.
Me: They something you should know. He looked at me. " I feel like Iv imprinted on your daughter and Ill like to apologize for any inconvenience that might have caused" he looked at me for a long time.
Mr Langa: One day you going to make a good King and I wish am alive to notice all your work and efforts. He shook my hand again.

I sat there for sometime anxiously waiting on anyone to walk in and my Grandfather did. He is a quiet man and his gone old but he treated me like a princess.
Grandpa: Hows my light doing?
Me: Not bad an hows my old man? I smiled as he crinked
Grandpa: Your father is good. He laughed and so did I.
Me: I was talking about the one in front of me.
Grandpa: Am good. He sat by my bed at my leg.
" You know you one hell of a bright girl and I like that about you" i smiled as he shifted to look directly at me with his Topaz eyes.
" I overheard a conversation that makes me ask this my child, Are you inlove with that young boy or its something You can't explain nor control?"
I looked at him for awhile than smiled
Me: I think its both. I was in love with the idea of having someone and now they are feelings I cannot hide or control.
Grandpa: hmmm, you remind me of your grandmother( may he soul rest in piece) when I first saw her she was fetching water by the river. I called her and she looked at me with so much compassion in her eyes. I introduced myself and she told me " you named after the prince in the village" that took me back and Iv asked if she doesn't know the prince and she was like " I tend to seclude myself from things that wont serve or sooth my soul" that took me back because everyone knew about us. We were a powerful kingdom.
Me: what did you say after that? I asked intrigued.
Grandpa: i asked her why she says that? She told me she has never seen such selfish and cruel people who make they village work for them rather than giving them opportunities to better themselves and the kingdom. I asked her if she was Queen one day what will she do? She laughed at me so hard and said" ordinary people like us should never dream that high cause some dreams never become a reality but if ever she had a chance to be Queen one day. She will love all Village people as if they her kids and no mother doesn't want they child to prosper" i stood there stunned and I helped her with her water and walk her home. When we neared her gate people were looking at us and whispering and she asked me what wrong? I knew there were asking themselves how can she let a Prince carry a bucket of water for her. Anyways I walked in her house and placed her bucket where she showed me. She stayed with her father who wasn't so well. When I was done and her father saw me and tries to bow. I asked him not to but whispered something in his ear.
Me: what did you whisper?
Grandpa: Next time an coming through these doors it will be to make your daughter my wife. He smiled and cried and guess what your grandmother did? I looked at grandpa to finish. " he kicked me out of the house and told me that no one makes her father cry and gets her kindness. She closed the door on my face and I heard her singing as she was soothing her father that when I lost control of my body for the first time and broke her door imprinted on her giving her dad a heart attack that killed him. I wipes my tears at this beautiful story and looked at my grandpa smiling.
Me: Why are you telling me this?
Grandpa: I want you to know that sometimes we go through things that might shock or hurt our parents but its a must. They are things that are beyond our control and things that we can only manage by how we react towards them. Only you know what you feel for that boy and only you know how he makes you feel, Now don't let what you hear or see stand between you and your happiness. Let your happiness start within before placing it in another persons hands. I looked at him for awhile and nodded.
Me: I don't see myself ever living without him Grandpa and am afraid that my mother wanted us to be together as a family all my life and now that she has it, am ruining it. I wiped away a tear.
Grandpa: I watched your father roam around this house as an empty soul for 20 years and it broke my heart but I never stop having hope that everything will sort itself eventually. I gave him a hug and he laughed.
Me: I feel better, thank you
Grandpa: No thank you, today I watched a feud that two families had for over 20 years come to an end because of you and for that I thank you. I looked at him confused as he smiled.
Grandpa: It will make sense to you later you will see.
Me: You never finished the story as to what happened when grandma woke up and heard the news?
Grandpa: Ill tell you some other day, now rest. He started humming a song as I got in bed and tried to rest.

My husband walked in and smiled as I was in nothing but a towel. I just took a shower since they were forever in that study. He came and kissed me and sat down taking me with him as he placed me his thigh.I hugged him than he smiled and looked at me.
Yanga: I love you
Me: I love you too. He kissed me for the longest time.
Yanga: Tell me your fears in regards to our daughter? Now that I didn't expect.
Me: I don't have any fears
Yanga: I know you Yammy and I know you have fears now tell me so I can assure you. I got up from him and dropped my towel and I watched him via the mirror as he shifted and his eyes changed. I lotion myself as he kept quiet. When done I turned around.
Me: Is it possible to have you make timeless love to me and make me whole while I forget everything that requires my attention or my fears. I slowly walked to him and started undressing him.
Yanga: The boy asked to marry her. I stopped and took the towel and wrapped it around me and looked at him in fear.
Me: And you said? He looked down and I knew that meant yes. I felt myself losing my sight as tears started filling in and I cried. He walked closer to me and held me.
Yanga: He showed me the same markings she has on her back. He is her chosen one and we cannot stand before her and her destiny. Now Tell me your fears and Ill do my best to make it right. I looked up at his as I silently cried.
Me: What the point, you have already given our only daughter away.
Yanga: Was it such a bad thing?
Me: you don't understand.
Yanga: Make me. I collected myself.
Me: I read if a zulu cursed man imprints on any family that has the same curse as them and they consummate they Union the girl too shall change and if she changes within the same grounds as her fore fathers than she will di....
Yanga: she will Di?? What does that mean?
Me: The page was torn those are the only two letters there " di" the only conclusion I have is "die" the paragraph was going to say "die"... he looked at me and he sat down. " I cannot lose my daughter Yanga you have to go back on your word. Those two are never to be together, never or we will lose her forever" he looked at me with so much fear in his eyes as I stood there motionless.

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