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I walked in her room and found her sitting there and looking at the ceiling. She smiled the moment I walked in on her and shifted giving me space
Me: Hy beautiful
Khanyisa: hey. She blushed. I sat next to her looking at her as.
Me: I want to ask you something and I want you to give me your honest answer. She nodded as her eyes got brighter. " will you be able to spend the rest of your life as my friend, lover, mother to our beautiful kids but mostly as my better half. She looked at me with tears in her eye and she nodded hugging me. After the hug kissed her as I felt her soft lips against mines.
Me: it would be nice if I hear a yes you know. She laughed at me
Khanyisa: Yes ill love that very much. She kept quiet after some time. " My father is very traditional you will have to ask him first you know" I smiled at her
Me: I make it a point to know things... iv already asked and he has given me his blessing, I wouldn't have asked you if I didn't speak to your father first. She smiled one of her best smiles that made my heart skip a beat.

I looked at him and fell in love more.
Me: Thank you, now I wait for mom. He looked at me with a questioning eye. " iv always been mom little girl you know am pretty sure she ain't going to be glad that am getting married it not in her 5 year plan for me.
Thular: I wanna show you something but I don't want to show you here and now.
Me: Okay... I can see you later on tonight.
Thular: alright let me get going home and sort my uncles to come by this weekend. I smiled as my heart did flip flops.
Me: cool. He kissed my forehead and left. I snuggled in for a while and heard the door open.I acted as if am asleep. I could feel that someone was there. I kept quiet for the longest and so did they. After awhile I heard them leave and I peaked to see who it was and I saw my mother leave my room.

I walked to the library from khanyisa room maybe Yanga is right. Maybe am blowing things out of proportion. Its can be so many things but I can't risk with my one and only child. I got there and found Yanga by the files reading.
Me: you are her
Yanga: am trying different contents that this paragraph can be in to see what it means. He kept quiet as we searched for hours for more information.
Me: You can just call the Zulu family and ask them. He looked at me mad. If tables were turned and the Zulu's were asking me the question you want me to ask, how would you feel. I kept quiet thinking it over and knew I would be offended. Yanga: They have to be another way. We kept quiet for awhile
Me: This is all just to much for me. I don't want to sound like an evil mom who don't want her child to be happy nor do I want her to hate me for this.
Yanga: Well its too late for that my dear wife, if we stop her wedding without a solid reason. She is going to hate us. We need proof or cases before or a journal that points to this otherwise we just have to trust in God.
Me: Am sorry but I don't have faith that its means otherwise. Eventually we have to tell her and trust she sees our reason for doing this and for you going back on your word. The door banged and we both turned and we found Khanyisa standing there looking at us with tears rolling down her face.
Khanyisa: Dad I hope mom isn't saying what I think she is saying. Yanga walked to her and she raised her hands as her eyes turned blue within a minute and her hair went white. " dad"
Yanga: Let us explain. She broke down in tears and quickly turned and ran out of the house. She ran right into the words and after a few seconds we heard the most scariest roar as Yanga quickly changed and ran in her direction as I stood there thinking to myself what have I done? I really cannot have my daughter hate me nor can I lose her.....

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