Chapter 30:

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I woke up to a bunch of white roses and a smell of coffee next to me.  I sat up and drank the coffee while smiling and hearing the shower. I got up and looked for my clutch bag and found my phone and took it out to charge while i enjoyed my coffee and relaxed enjoying this feeling of belonging.

I stood by the lounge as the ambulance carries the bodies one by one from the house. My heart was shattered by the lose of the king, his wife who has been a friend and the old man. The doctor came to me looking all glum.
Doctor: are you they next of kin
Me: Yes, they daughter is out.
Doctor: Am sorry for your loss sir.
Me: what killed them.
Doctor: for now I conclude it heart failure on all of them but what I noticed with Mrs Langa it was shock and a heart attack. I nodded. " for more we will need to do an autopsy, they are documents that you need to sign" i nodded again as he left the house. I say there not knowing if to call Khanyisa or not.

I drove into the Langa Royal grounds and saw that they were to many cars on the drive through. I quickly took a U- turn and we sat there for a while.
Khanyisa: I don't want this feeling to end.
Me: ill come see you in two days time.
Khanyisa: Two days?
Me: Giving you time to bond with your family before I send my family over to pay the rights.
Khanyisa: Really?
Me: We may be married but that for us to know but we need to do the traditional rights also. I can't have your father hating me for stealing you away and not doing it right.
Khanyisa: Thank you my mom will be happy and am happy
Me: Anything for you My queen. I leaned in and kissed her cheek and she got out and walked to the house and I watched her use another entrance than drove home. I got home to finding cars everywhere and figured they hosting so i slipped through the back to my room to find my sister on my bed crying her eyeballs out.
Me: Hey. She looked at me with puffy eyes and jumped to me crying louder and my door opened and my mother stood there with red eyes. I looked at her confused as to why the woman of this house are in tears. Just than my uncle came in and called me. I nodded as I calmed my sister.
Me: whatever it is, you going to be fine. Ill fix it. She cried louder and my mom took her and walked out. I went to the study and looked around to find all the royal elders apart my father standing there.
Me: what happening?
Uncle: Son take a seat. I sat down as he kneeled in front of me and looked at me like how he looked at me the day I lost my Bike.
Uncle: They have been a tragedy. Your father is no more. I felt my ears ring at the words and looked at the whole room and everyone looked away. I felt my eyes burn with tears and I ran out of the room as I couldn't breath anymore. I don't know when I changed but I  saw my self running as a Jaguar into the woods and not looking back.

After bathing and changing I walked down to the lounge and found the royal council there by the table with malume khulekani but my parents where not there. I greeted and they mumbled a greeting as I walked passed. I was standing by the kitchen when malume Khulekani came in.
Me: Malume is dad around? He looked down shifting his weight about. I looked at him as this is the first time iv seen him out of words.
Malume K: uhm come sit sisi. I sat down and looked at him as he stood there and I took my time studying him. His eyes were red as if crying and he looked his age.
Me: whats wrong? He looked at me as his eyes got blurry with tears and for the first time in my life I felt cold and weak and I knew something wrong.
Me: is it mama, baba? He nodded. " what about them?" For the first time in my life I saw a man cry and not be ashamed and I knew what this meant. Am officially an orphan and that crushed me so hard. I couldn't breathe I ran out of the house trying to breathe and still I couldn't. Its felt like a brick load of bricks came crashing down on me making it impossible to breathe. I felt myself get light headed and I sat down focusing on breathing and controlling my breath's. When I looked up the clouds were forming and as the clouds gathered I felt my emotions roll out and I cried like they was no tomorrow as the rain came pouring down on me making me wet within seconds. I cried for the time lost, i cried for the pain of losing my two favourite people but mostly I cried for my grandfather who had to burry two kids. Just as the thought of my grandfather knocked on me I ran into the house and her room and didn't find him and when I turned I saw malume Khulekani shaking his head and that crushed me more as I cried like a wounded animal.

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