Chapter 5

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I woke up feeling a little light headed. I looked around to find Yanga sitting next to me wearing a vest and white track pants and socks.I closed my eyes as I remembered what happened than moved my legs as I felt a slight discomfort and I know I wasn't dreaming. There was a lion in this room. I kept quiet for awhile trying to process everything that just happened and I was left with questions more than answers. I felt the bed give away and a shuffling then the door opened and closed.I opened my eyes and got up to find Yanga standing by the door staring at me with his intense goldish gaze I kept quiet and starred back at him thinking how his eyes looks exactly like the lion that pounced on me.
Yanga: If I didn't know better, ill say you avoiding me yet I don't know why. I kept quiet didn't say anything as I sat into a sitting position. He walks closer to the bed and tries to help but I flinch and he looks at me questionably.
Yanga: Am I missing something here? Just than they was a knock. He got up and got the door as a helper came in with food and my tummy rumbled. He dished out for me and brought it to me and we ate in silence. I was in my world with my thoughts running wild. After I was done eating he took the dishes and left. I don't know what came over me but I cried. I cried so much that my head started to pain and it was throbbing badly.

I was Placing the dishes in the kitchen I was about to go for a walk when i felt my pain in my heart. I held my chest and went down on my knees. The pain was getting tense and Khulekani came running to me.
Khulekani: Bafo.... bafo... i felt my head buzzing in pain as if its about to explode than i closed my eyes and a clear picture of Yamkelani crying came into mind as she clutches her chest
Me: Yamkelani.... I whispered and left me and ran to the bedroom.

I got to the room to find the princess crying. As i walked in closer she looked at me with red eyes.
Me: are you okay?
Yamkelani: yes am fine. She wiped her tears and tried to calm herself. I walked closer to her so I could see if her wounds are the ones troubling her.
Me: mind if I check your wounds? She nodded I did and saw they are okay than I helped her adjust the covers.
Yamkelani: For how long have you known the prince? She asked in a whisper. I sat on the couch that in the room facing her.
Me: From the time I was 7 years and the king found me while was on a business trip and came back here with me. When I got here I was introduced to the Prince and we been friends since than. She nodded and played with her fingers.
Me: Is something wrong? I really like the Princess and the change she has brought onto the Prince within the few days they have been together. He has never missed work and yet here he is taking a week off. His forever in her presence and he gave her the necklace first time he saw her.
Yamkelani: I want answers but I dont know how to ask them without offending anyone.
Me: Ask me anything ill try my best to answer and I will let you know if am offended.
Yamkelani: iv heard rumors about the prince previous courtships and how they all die and now i feel like whatever killed them almost did the same to me today... she mumbled ...Now that I wasn't expecting and I really don't know what to say or how to answer.
Yamkelani: I really don't want to be a stats in the number of people who died trying to love the prince and I don't know how to protect or preserve myself from whatever attacked me.
Me: so you love the Prince? She kept quiet for awhile.
Yamkekani: I know we just meet and I know nothing about him but they is a strong connection that I feel towards him. I enjoy his presence and how he makes me feel when his around me. I like how he wants me to be true to who I am and not filter myself around him. He has taken care of me while I think its also difficult for him to see his newly bride in bed and not knowing what happened to her. He makes me laugh and he hasn't asked me to do the deed. She blushed turning pink. I smiled at her.
Me: Well if its makes any difference iv never seen him behave the way he behaves with you with any other woman. So am assuming the feeling is mutual. She blushed harder turning red.
Yamkelani: Thank you... iv never had a brother are you okay if I call you bhuti( brother) than me calling you by name. She gave me the most dazzling smile ever.
Me: It would be an honor My Princess. She blushed some more.
Yamkelani: can I ask you a question?
Me: yes
Yamkelani: Do you find the Prince eyes odd?
Me: Am not understanding the question.
Yamkelani: It just that when I was being attacked by the animal, they was a time where it looked at me and I couldn't shake the familiarity of its eyes and when I woke up and saw The Prince eyes. I swear it felt like am starting into the same eyes that pounced at me. I kept quiet as it wasn't my place to tell her and than I heard a sharp intake of breathing and we both looked to the door to find The Prince leaning at it and looking at us with his intense gaze  evident that he heard us and I knew what she meant about the lions eyes because I once had those eyes 2 inches away from my face before.....

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