Chapter 27:

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I walked to the door and there stood an old man with white hair and he looked angry beyond words
Me: Can I help you?.. he pushed right through me and shouted for khanyisa. He called for her a couple of times and she walked out in a gown and looked shocked.
Khanyisa: Babu zulu? He jumped on her and slapped her.

I felt the hot clap on my cheek and felt tears running down my cheeks. Nkosinye jumped on on him and punched him to the floor and he was already breathing hard.
King Zulu: You little slut. He spat the blood out of his mouth as he struggled to get up and looked at me with so much hate.
Nkosinye: Ill ask you to leave now cause you really making me angry with the slapping and name calling. King Zulu laughed so loud.
King Zulu: This is what you killed my grandson for? A murder? Thulasilibone died because you lusted on a man who couldn't even keep his wife happy had another man do it for him. Nkosinye just stood there and looked at him with his eyes turning so green and the kings went blue. Last thing I needed was a white lion and a Jaguar in one room. I moved closer to Nkosinye and touched him and he looked at me as I willed him to stay calm which made King Zulu react more.
King Zulu: Wow, just wow. To think I thought you were good for my blood but look at you already half naked and ready to sleep with a murderer. You killed my grandson and you two deserve each other. I hope you rot in hell. He moved closer to me as his eyes turned royal blue.

I drove the car faster as I had this feeling of being uneasy with khulekani right beside me. Iv called 6 times and her phone just rings and that so unlike her.

I stood there frozen as my white gown was soaked in blood head to toe. I looked at the dead king on the floor and looked at Nkosinye in his full animal form looking at my with his nuzzle full of blood and his K-9 dripping. I couldn't believe what has just happened. He transformed back to normal and started vomiting. I stood there watching him frozen not sure what to do or say. When he was done he called someone by Luko than the driver came. They moved like professional cleaners as they cleaned as I stood there not moving only blinking and letting it all sink in.
Luko: boss is she okay.
Nkosinye: going to be fine. I watched them mumble a few things to each other and luko left with the kids body in a suitcase. They put a whole human being in a suitcase and I stood there watching. I didn't fear that he will kill me. I wasn't afraid i guess my mind needed time to adjust to all of this.

I was panicking like a leaf but I couldn't show her that. When we were down cleaning. I went and opened up a shower and carried Khanyisa and she never protested nor screamed. I scrubbed her head to toe without saying anything and she never not once said a word to me. That was more scary than what iv just done. Yes I could have called the cops and had it as self defense which it was but I couldn't tarnish her name like that. I knew what the press did to me and I lived it. I really don't want her to go through all of that. The king grabbed her strangling her and I reacted the only way that I could. I really tried to reason with him but he turned attacking us both and I had to protect her and that means killing the killing. Yes I didn't plan too but it happened so fast. I wish she didn't had to see it or live it but she did. Now here she is in my arms snuggling like a terrified child. I rocked her to sleep but I knew her mind was racing with so many things and I let her be.

I was now in the arms of a murderer. Somehow that didn't terrify me and that terrified me more than anything. He protected me from what the king was about  to do. Yes he strangled me but was dying the only resolution to him letting go off me. Why didn't he call the police and let us explain everything surely they would have seen my marks and seen we telling the truth. Now I feel like an accomplice to murder. The king said I killed Thular. How did I kill him when I wasn't even near him, how can he blame for something that was way before me? What have I done to have such a life and to be surrounded by such people? When am I going to be happy like my mother, live my life and accept things? When will I be loved and appreciated by just being me not because am bonded to someone. I want a connection far more stronger than a curse. A connection by faith snd love. A connection I know that Am in it because I want to not because I have too. I dozed off with all these thoughts in my mind and slept with one hell of a headache and I wasn't about to ask for anything from Nkosinye who knows he might kill the receptionist or pharmacist for not having a simple pill.

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