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My heart was beating so fast. How did he know this. Did it somehow show. I try my best to hide it. I looked deep into his eyes and I saw that I could trust him even if mom wants to do something he wont allow it.

I looked at my daughter with her thinking face on and I knew she weighing her options. She stood up and removed her gown and than removed her top and turn around and there on her spine going down from between her shoulder blades to her bottoms she had white markings. It looked like chalk marks but not really chalk. The marks look like chinese but when i turn my head it looked like those drawings of khoi san people. I walked closer to her and touched it and she didn't flinch at all. I touched her all the way down her spinal cord. And the marks didn't blurr, i touched again and they still didn't move. Her father walked closer and moved my hand from her back
Yanga: why you never told your mom?
Khanyisa: She already was a mythological person So I didn't want to add.
Yanga: what did she say that you don't believe?She dressed up and looked at me
Khanyisa: she said I have gold eyes because my family descends from lions
Yanga: and you don't believe that? My daughter looked at her dad and was shy while she nodded no. I saw her father eyes change to the mustard yellow with a glint and I knew what will happen. I moved back grabbing my daughter with me and in a blink of an eye he was a Tamarin lion. Fully black as if he couldn't get any darker.

My eyes saw it happening in front of me. I looked at what seemed to be my father and I walked to him. He nuzzled me as soon as he did that I felt a tingling sensation on my back and he roared as I felt my eyes roll in my head.

Saw my daughter eyes turn from gold to blue and blue to gold flickering as she shook and I stepped back and she stopped going back to her normal gold eyes. She looked at me with questioning eyes. I turned back to my original human form and looked at her.
Me: Did you feel that?
Khanyisa: I did and you? I nodded
Yamkelani: feel what? ... guys....we turned to her.
Khanyisa: its nothing mom just a tangling sensation.
Yamkelani: I see... for now can we just not talk about this. Can we table it and wena.(you) she pointed at our daughter. We will talk about the secrets you hiding. This is just to much for me right now. Help with your father bags and ill be preparing the rooms for Mkhulu(grandpa)and bhuti khulekani. Khanyisa fixed her self and walked to the car.

I felt my spine twinkle and I feel my bones crack and I knew it was happening so I jumped out of bed and stood there and allowed my body to change and I changed to the white lion that I am. In less than a minute my grandpa was there with his blue eyes shining.
Grandpa: calm down ndodana, try to breathe. I did and the tingling sensation stopped and I felt my heart beat in a slower pace. I relaxed my mind and body and I went back to normal.
Me: What the fuck? I looked at him with questioning eyes.
Grandpa: we need to find that girl. That happens when she is in contact with other creatures and in fear. You are her protector. For as long as she lives and she has mixed emotions that makes her have fear, love and contentment running down her spine. You will change and want to jump to protect her or be there for her. You are her protector and her partner. She can only be whole with you in her life.
Me: Grandpa, you started with the riddles
Grandpa: we need to go back home with me. We cannot have you living here especially now that we know that you chosen one has her marking.
Me: I can't just leave my life here and go to Entabeni
Grandpa: stay here and you die. That stopped me in my tracks.
Me: Yesterday I told you about khanyisa you said i must be closed to her because she my chosen one. Today uthi we must go home. Exactly which is it?
Grandpa: What happened today only happens when your chosen girl is in contact with the curse in it animal form. We are in Johannesburg in the suburb and your little khanyisa stays in a suburb. Now tell me how can she be with a full turned lion, elephant or leopard right now without us hearing helicopters or people screaming they head offs? I kept quiet we are about 10 minutes away from each other. White people react before thinking so yeah they would call the cops. We don't have any bushes so yes his right.
Me: We can leave tomorrow than. Today I have to sort out my business and see khanyisa. He nodded and he was about to leave the room but he looked at me when pleading eyes.
Grandpa: Do not make the same mistake your father did. He never listened and now his dead with your mother. He took an innocent woman with him. Whatever you do with this khanyisa woman do not fall in love with her until we know she is the one. You not normal Thulasizwe. Your beast is more dominant now tread lightly. He left me and I took my shirt off and went to the mirror and turned. I looked at the white greek writing that was running down my spine. I looked at it for sometime than put my shirt on. " I know you the one Khanyisa, I don't know how how but I know you the one".....

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