Chapter 24

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I got into the car and he went to his side and settled to drive.
Nkosinye: You look lovely
Me: Thank you, you not bad yourself. I fasten the seatbelt and relaxed as he drove as classical Jazz played. Decode by paramore was now playing. I looked at him shocked.
Me: You listen to Paramore?
Nkosinye: Yeah they have nice songs.
Me: wow who would have thought that you will listen to such.
Nkosinye: Am full of surprises
Me: I can see.
Nkosinye: Tell me more about yourself.
Me: Where should I start? I looked at him as I settled more into the seat. " well, Am currently studying law but although I think I failed this semester"
Nkosinye: why you think so?
Me: a lot have happened and I haven't been focused so, i doubt I passed.
Nkosinye: I see, well hopefully you can pull through if you study more and pull the weight during exams.
Me: thats the plan.
Nkosinye: So you beautiful and you have brains. What else? I smiled at him.
Me: What makes you think I have brains?
Nkosinye: You studying towards one of the hardest jobs in the world that requires a lot of critical thinking and a lot of improvising so you must be smart.
Me: I never really looked at it like that. What do you do? He laughed and continued to drive. I thought he was not going to answer me.
Nkosinye: I studied IT than as time went did business management and now I own a few shares here and there and have an IT company that provide security to big companies softwares.
Me: That a mouth full. I smiled as he gave me a half smile." So what do you do for fun"
Nkosinye: I go spend it with family and involve myself in everything that they do.
Me: I see. Thank you for the dress.
Nkosinye: Its my pleasure.

Me: she has her whole back covered in a Jaguar. A black jaguar!!!.
Yamkelani: can you calm down.
Me: how on earth did this happened
Yamkelani: You read the book right? Its says she was dying or she died and the only way she could be saved was to mark her.
Me: what caused her to die in the first place?
Yamkelani: Ill like to think I know it all but that I don't. I paced around the room and looked at my calm wife as I panic.
Me: where they going?
Yamkelani: some art thing in durban
Me: That 2 hours away
Yamkelani: Aybo wena futhi( not you again)
Me: Am just saying, as pure as the boy intentions are and as much as we know they will wed one day and maybe have kids due to they binding but am still her father.
Yamkelani: and I never said otherwise now did I? I calmed myself as I looked at the watch and My wife laughed
" aybo its only been an hour and you already checking the time, i feel like it going to be a long night" she laughed and left me there as she swayed her hips leaving me standing there with a hard on.

I looked at her as she answered my questions with ease and her smile was breath taking.
Me: I want to tell you something but am afraid of your reaction
Khanyisa: Iv heard and seen things beyond an imagination so I doubt what ever you going to tell me will fright me.
Me: I was married six years ago and she died. I looked at her as she went silent.
Khanyisa: Am sorry for your loss
Me: Its been 6 years since iv allowed a woman into my life but somehow you seem to fit well. She looked at me shocked and her eyes bright. Gosh her eyes were amazing.
Khanyisa: I haven't been myself because I just learnt the man I was to marry died. I dont know how he died or what killed him but I lost him when you saved me. I haven't been to his grave because I fear I let him down somehow. She looked at me with glassy eyes and I felt and saw the love she had for this guy.
Me: Since we being honest here, I like you and your company. She wiped a tear that escaped and laughed a bit.
Khanyisa: I think I like you too. We both smiled and got absorbed in our thoughts as we got closer to our destination.

King zulu
The traditional healer threw the bones after I blew on them and looked at me with grey eyes and after awhile she looked normal.
Traditional healer: The girl killed him unintentionally
Me: what girl?
Traditional healer: the girl he imprinted on. She was unaware of the feelings within that she felt for another cursed boy who hasn't imprinted and when he imprinted on her he killed her intended as he is stronger than your boy and as his bond with this girl will be stronger than your boys
Me: you mean to tell me that my Grandson died due to lust? Lust. I shake my head in disbelief
Traditional healer: Your boy has killed many before, his bond with his ancestors was weak due to this. This girl was his survivor but unfortunately some ancestors work hard than others the boy who did this come from a stronger spirit world. He saved the girl from dying and the only way he could was to make him his.
Me: what caused them to even be in danger of dying in the first place.
Traditional healer: Admiration, the one feeling that the girl had which wasn't tired to your grandson.
Me: I want to get this clear, my grandson died because his chosen girl admired another man instead of him?
Traditional healer: Yes, the only flaw to your curse. You ancestors left that emotion out since your grandson had nothing that they could be proud off.
Me: she killed him
Traditional healer: she didnt know and still doesnt know
Me: it doesn't matter, how can you admire someone you dont love or have feelings for? She might as well lusted on that man or slept with him.
Traditional healer: we come from different worlds and our curses are different. She no longer yours to cry for but now belongs to another. Her eyes turned grey for a second than she looked at me " am warning you don't do what you want to do" i looked at her confused because I wasn't thinking of doing anything what on earth is she talking about.

We got there and they was cameras flicking everywhere almost blinding. He held my hand and helped me in with a security detail. Once inside I swear the room went silent as the watched us walk in and heads turning. I moved closer to him. " if I didnt know better ill say everyone is shocked to see you or with a girl or you have grown an extra head" he laughed out loud earning us more people to look our way. After walking around and him introducing me to a million people he took me to Isibaya lodge where we dined as the whole restaurant was closed. Its was amazing. We talked mostly about art and the evening it was already 1 o clock when I took my vibrating phone and saw it my father. I panic and answered
Dad: Thank God you okay.
Me: Am fine dad, we lost track of time and we still by the restaurant.
Dad: am just glad you alive, i can book at a hotel and he can drop you there and ill pick you up in the morning.
Me: dad
Dad: Am sorry, i don't know how one dad is suppose to act when they only girl is out with a guy.
Me: You doing fine. If I have a problem, ill call but for now am good.
Dad: No sex Angel, you too young
Me: dad... he laughed
Dad: I love you and call me if you need me
Me: I will. I hung up and he was grinning. " oh you heard that" i blushed away
Nkosinye: you volume is high
Me: sorry
Nkosinye: No need to apologize. Come. He was holding my shoes and I was wearing his jacket and we got to a beautiful suite and I threw myself on the couch and he sat looking at me.
Nkosinye: You really looked beautiful today
Me: Thank you, you too.  He took my feet and massage them as he whistled some blues song and I relaxed feeling the pleasure in my toe and feeling warmth spread all over my body. I closed my eyes as I enjoyed the company with a smile on my face.....

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