Chapter 25:

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King zulu
I looked at the newspaper and I felt rage as I see all lovey dovey with her new animal. Her whole back had the beast marking and my grandson died for this lose child. I threw the tea cup at the far end off the table and took my car and went for a drive.

I woke up before Khanyisa so I ordered a variety of breakfast food.Yes it was late around 10 but we had to eat before going back. I looked at her in my T shirt as she slept peacefully. Her phone was ringing again so I answered it.
Voice: Angel
Me: Sorry she sleeping right now.
Mr langa: Oh, I was just checking in.The news and the papers had a field day so I wanted to know if she coping okay.Now it my turn to be shocked.
Me: Sir, I know i violated curfew and am sure you will never trust me with your child after reading the papers but she holds a dear place in my heart and ill never hurt her
Mr langa: Just make sure she is home safely. He hung up and I went to read the papers. Front page we made front page.
" 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐡𝐞???"
That what the headlines were. It talked about my business and how I wasn't linked to any woman for 6 years and than the tragic death of my ex wife and the bastard who is in a wheelchair after I beat him up. It talked about my court case and how I got scot free with just community service. Than second page it showed a picture of me in Ballito with family and the big Jaguar Tattoo I have and the small paws. The put that picture right next to Khanyisa open back dress and her marking showing how similar it was. And expert even went on to say one is of a male Jaguar and hers is female. When did they get this animal expert over night? Seriously. I closed my eyes as I was breathing to calm down and than looked up to find Khanyisa standing by the door looking at me worried.

I walked to him with just the top he gave me to change into last night as he quickly took the papers and folded them and he tried to smile but his eyes were emerald and haunted.
Me: Good morning
Nkosinye: Morning, slept well. He moved to meet me half way and direct me to the balcony where they was food. He opened up a chair for me and I sat there. I looked at him as he dished up n placed things and I just sat there waiting for him to finish. When done I looked at him as he avoided looking at me.

Yamkelani:Can you come down!
Me:What if he killed her?
Yamkelani:They is an explanation, dont you always tell me not to trust the papers.
Me:This is our daughter
Yamkelani:am aware
Me:his a murderer?
Yamkelani: and you are not? She looked me dead in the eye and that stopped me from pacing.
Yamkelani: Look, we all have a past. We don't judge. I never judged you and I accepted you just the way you are and all those 24 people you killed. Now give the boy a chance or you lose your child. She bounded to him for heaven sake. I tried to separate him from the previous guy and look where that got us?
Me: He murdered his wife and paralyzed the guy she cheated with.
Yamkelani: He had his reasons now relax and stop blowing the child phone.i walked out leaving her standing there.

Me: Its either you not a morning person or the paper damped your mood. Which is it? I looked at him as he ate as if He wont answer my questions.
Nkosinye: The paper
Me: Dad says never believe what they write, they have to twist things so we buy.
Nkosinye: your father is wise but unfortunately this time around they didnt twist anything. I looked at him waiting for him to explain more.

My mouth went dry and I licked it a few times and looked at khanyisa who was looking at me.
Me: remember I told you about my ex wife? She nodded " well I killed her" i looked at her and she looked at me her eyes gold in color

I think I didn't hear properly did he say he killed his ex wife? I looked at him trying to see or picture what his saying but for the life of me I couldn't. It just didn't make any sense. How?why? Where? All these questions came racing in my head and I took a sip of strong coffee and sat there looking at a man that capable of murder.

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