Chapter 7:

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The whether changed and its begin to drizzle the soft soaking rain. I could hear thunder clapping from the distant.
Me: Am no monster am just a Man that stuck in a lion body or a lion that stuck in a man body. All I know is that you matter to me. You make my crazy unrealistic world a bit better. You tame the evil in me and somehow bring a balance in my life. I know I could have done things differently the past few months but I was afraid. I was afraid you wont give me a chance to be the best that I could be. I was afraid of you judging me. I was afraid of you not understanding but mostly I was afraid of you realizing that am not worthy of your love and leave me. The rain washed away the tears that were on my face. I turned to look at her and she was a few feet away from me. She came closer and whispered " show me"
Yamkelani: Show me who and what you are because am going crazy from all these thoughts. My body vibrated and I felt myself slowly turning into the big Tamarin Lion that I am. Once I was fully transformed I stood there as the rain was beating on us.

I looked at the black lion that iv seen in the family books the library  the past months and that attacked me on first night imprinting on me. I looked at the eyes that iv grown to love and hate at the same time. I looked at him and I somehow saw the man that iv grown to love in him. I walked closer and sank my hands in his fur. I hugged him for the longest that i could remember crying but this time I wasn't crying in pain, i was crying in relief. Knowing that he has trusted me enough with his big secret.
Me: We going to be fine. Am not going anywhere. That made him roar and the rain stopped and the sun came out again with a rainbow visible. I wiped the tears that I had and smiled at him as I nuzzled on him. My heart was full and content.
Yamkelani: Now that wasn't so hard now was it. I moved from him.  " you can change back now" I turned too ashamed to look at the king and Queen and I walked back to the house shaking from the rain.
Iv never seen such in my whole life. Yes I know about Yanga gift but iv never seen him in such a tamed manner. I both feared and admired the little girl as he pushed and pushed for him to talk. As soon as she walked past me I went down with my knee and bowed my head in respect. She stood and looked at me with so much confusion.
Me: In all my life iv never seen such bravery. Iv never seen such courage and mostly iv never seen such acceptance. Iv been loyal to this family and grateful to them for saving me, but now am loyal to you and grateful to you for saving him but most from saving us. I had tears in my eyes. The little girl has made me cry. The king and Queen walked next to me and did the same. She smiled at us her most dazzling smile.
Yamkelani: We are family and family does everything for every one. She walked away leaving us with tears in our eyes.

I got to the house and undressed than took a long warm shower and came out and wore tracksuits all I wanted was to sleep. I got in the bed covers and slept like iv never slept before.

We all walked in silence to the house and I got in and went to the room that iv been sleeping at the past few months. I showered and ate than walked to my bedroom and they was silence. I wasn't sure if I should knock or if I should just enter. I stood there for awhile. Khulekani walk past me to his room.
Khulekani: iv never seen you fear anyone and anything yet here you are. He chuckled softly.
Me: Am not afraid, I just don't know what to do or what to say
Khulekani: just be your self she has already accepted that you a lion what more can you do that can make her leave you? Kahle kahle you are blessed. Iv known woman who leave men because of little things. Wena you tell your woman you a lion a whole fucking lion bafo and you get a hug in a full lion form. She didn't run screaming or swear at you or anything vain. She fucking hugged you. She accepted you with your flaw. Now what are you afraid off? He looked at me in questioning eyes. I shrugged in an answer and he laughed.
Khulekani: A CEO of multiple companies and a Lion, king of the jungle and Palace is afraid of his kid wife that is 3 times his size and the sweetest most humble person iv ever seen. Yazi uyangihlekisa( you making me laugh) and he laughed leaving me  standing by the door. I walked in slowly and made my way in the room to find her sleeping in bed. I took my shoes off and got in. I snuggled closer to her as I felt the warmth radiating towards me. She smelt so heavenly of lavender and roses. I snuggled closer spooning her in my embraced and she shifted her ass on my big guy and immediately He started to get excited. I got my hands under her track pants. Who sleeps with track suits pants. As I snuggled my hands under her and placed them on her perfect small round breast and pinched the nipple. She jumped in awareness and I know she was up.
Yanga: Its me.. I whispered as I spooned her closer to me and I bit her neck leaving little bite marks and I heard her breath catch...

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