shine bright; like a diamond

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I lazily scroll through my phone, and take a deep breath as I come across a post of Kai. It was him, looking over at this pretty view. He did have such a handsome face, but my heart was no longer feeling the butterflies. The emerald universe, that he brought in me was long gone. I scroll through the comments this time, and shrug my head at the comments, that were asking about me.

People, and specially some fans, liked to make it seem awkward for me.

Coming back to his picture; I can see that he was a little healthier now, his face was still very angelic and calm. I can remember his face, because he was the first man I ever dated-- the first one I fell in love with, even. What was tragic to me, is how we ended such a commitment by broken vows, that came from both sides.

He wanted to propose to me when I go to France, and I promised that I will love him forever.

But, as they say. People change, and seasons change.

I lock my phone and smile.

I smile and watch Jisoo and Chaeyoung fight over something silly, on tv. "I told you that not everything green is healthy". Jisoo mutters with a grin, and I watch Chaeyoung frown in return. "How come? Unnie, do you seriously hear yourself right now?".

Chaeyoung crosses her arms defensively. "You sound insane".

"Yeah, whatever. You know I'm right anyways".

"Just because you hate broccoli, doesn't mean that whatever you are saying is true". Chaeyoung takes a green apple and starts to bite on it. Meanwhile, Jisoo seems really annoyed at her. "We don't mention as such creatures here, Miss Park".

"Excuse you, but broccolis would be the cutest creatures ever".

"You bet?". Jisoo raises her brow.

"Yeah, you just don't have a taste".

Jisoo gasps, "Is that so? Or are your taste buds just not working like normal humans?". I watched the two playfully argue over broccolis. I clicked my tongue in the back of my teeth, and asked Jisoo; "Hey, where is Lisa?".

"She was with Niki earlier, I think she's in her room right now".

My gaze turned blank once she mentions that. And, this is nothing new to me. Lisa would go out with her friends, to have fun. Now, occasions like this never faze me much. But, what I realized, is that she have been going out with Niki, a lot.

Lisa would tell her to come over, since she was preparing for a concert here, in Seoul. And, they would spend the day in Lisa's room, and I would hear them laughing every now and then when I walk by Lisa's room.

And, Lisa have been so supportive of my relationship with Kai. She may have been the last person, to tell me to go for him, but isn't this how best friends are?

Over protective; over each other?

When I broke up with him, she was the first one to pull me to her chest, and tell me that it will be okay. I cried every night, and she never hesitated to be there. And now, I just realized how her and I haven't been talking often. I kind of miss our bond, but I didn't want to just interlude. And somewhere deep inside of me, I was sad over the fact that I wasn't the one making her smile, these days.

She was smiling, and not because of me..

As I dwell upon the memories. I can picture everything, as a beautiful sunset. It's like rewinding through memories but in an old tape, inside of my brain as the sun sets and it shines through my window but I'm so distracted by those memories of the moments I'll never get back, being reflected into my mind and it only, fills me up with sorrow.

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