we find love

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It's been more than a year.

Seasons changed, and my feelings never did. A piece of heaven was lifting my soul up from ashes. And I knew like a hopeless soul, I will be singing at night— sitting on the balcony, trying to jump on empty skyscrapers.

I thought she was the one.

But, she always chose to walk out that door.

And then I would pick up my guitar, walk through the streets of Seoul, wondering where she have been. I knew loving her took ahold of me, but I still remember us fighting. When she said she didn't love me anymore.

But how fast can a heart change?

Glass was shattered that day, words were spoken but the mere hurt on my heart— was stronger than the way my tears rocked me. I knew that our love wasn't going to last that long, but I kept hoping, trying not to let her go.

So one last time, I'm entering this bar— Preparing myself to stand on that stage that I've always loved singing on, ever since she left.

"Are you sure you don't wanna sing here anymore Lisa?". Sam, the bar owner, who was a dear friend of mine said with a sad expression.

I weakly smiled, "I don't think there is any reason for me to stay here Sammy".

"But we will all miss you". He placed his hand on my arm, and his brotherly gestures always made me smile.

"I will too".

"Have you considered where you want to go?". He asked me.

"Yeah, I'm going to travel to my best friend in the US". I admitted.

"Hope you think about it carefully". I nodded at him.

"Ready to sing on that stage one last time?". I smiled and gave his hand a light squeeze.

The host introduced me, and I heard claps. The bar wasn't that big, but it was a very nice place to chill in. People would order drinks, meet other people— enjoy my performance, and fall in love.

"I'm here to sing this song that I grew to love over the last year". I started, "I just want y'all to know, that love isn't just a game. We're going to seek for each other's comfort, we're going to regret ever leaving the ones we love— so please. Each one of you, hold on to your person".

A lot of people were smiling, And so was I.

Last performance, why not smile despite how broken I am?

Here I am Jennie.

Falling in love with you.

Even when you're not here.

Author's POV

The singer chose to take a deep breath, and to close her eyes. Her love was slowly flowing in the air— and more than anything, Lisa loved sharing that love she's holding with the audience.

What she didn't know, is the other woman who was sitting on the other side of the bar— Jennie, who sat in shock and with a tearful gaze, was now listening to her ex lover on stage.

The Korean wondered why she was still here. But, she was frozen. Even when her best friend Jisoo asked, "Do you want to go home?". Seeing the hurt on Jennie's face made her feel sad.

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