what is home?

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Truly, what is home?

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Truly, what is home?

Was it a rapture feeling that you get in the presence of someone? Or the breaking steel that makes your bones twist a little harsher than the times you were out there; feeling free.

Is home prison?

Is home what makes you feel nostalgic to your rib cage?

"What is home?". Lisa questions.




2. Heather by CONAN GREY.


Note; this is my short collection of poems, that unfold the short story of a Lisa, who have always been falling in love with a contagious Jennie. But, Jennie isn't just that.. Jennie was a torn apart woman; who didn't know the difference between home, safety and love.

Until that drunken night.


001| SHE

001| SHE

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She is the type of woman to be caught up in the endless rants of perfection when she was broken into pieces in trails of a train track. But, even when Jennie got broken that night.

I watched her, I watched her take her coat off— and dance the night away, with my hands on hers.

I watched her take off her pain as a settlement for his words that evaporated like blue glee.

"Mind dancing the night away with me?". Jennie asked, pouring a glass of wine for herself before looking down at me, as I sat there in the couch confused.

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