mental prison; overthinking (tell me how to live)

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I watch the time pass by, the hours seeming like a short breath of a loner. My hands resting on the desk, as my eyes trailed down to the papers. A few folders were on the side as I held the pen in my hand-- examining the papers of my patients. And yes, working as a therapist has come to show me that even though humans are complicated, one thing holds them together;

The fact that they are all, human.

Being a human is a constant reminder to a lot of them, that hardships are just another closer step to paradise.

And my paradise lays here, by listening and trying to understand each one of them.

"Miss Lisa?". The nurse knocks and softly opens the door.

I warmly smile at her, "Good morning Dahyun".

"Morning doc, hope you're ready for your next appointment". She says and places a cup of tea in front of me.

I nodded, "I expect Jennie to come by now". I looked at my watch.

Dahyun then proceeded to walk closer to my desk, "She's outside ma'am, do I let her in?".

I gave her a soft nod and watched the nurse leave.

Jennie has been a patient of mine for a while now, the woman struggles with her constant rational thoughts and mild fears. But, over the past few months, she really showed well progress. She's truly an intelligent human, who is trapped under a thick layer of negative thoughts-- Jennie knew that light isn't far from her reach, but I kept reminding here why I was here.

"Am I late?". I heard her angelic voice say, as she cracked the door open a little.

I couldn't help but smile. "Just in time".

The woman approached me and shook my hand as a greeting before sitting on the couch.

I immediately got up and sat on the chair in front of her, with a simple pen and a few papers. "So how has been your week so far Jennie? Describe it in one word".

The Korean sighed heavily and chose not to neglect her feelings this time.

"Very overwhelming".

I chuckled softly at her, "One word Jennie".

"To say that it was overwhelming would be an underestimation". Jennie weakly smiled at me and I just nodded professionally and wrote down a few stuff before looking up at her eyes. They seemed to know how to make someone melt with just the right posture that comes from her.

"And why do you say it was 'very overwhelming'?". I quoted and paid attention carefully to her.

"Breaking up with your boyfriend. Losing the passion for what you love, and facing challenges with your own family, can be pretty intense". Jennie bit her lip.

I fixed my glasses. "Let's start with the first thing you mentioned, regarding your boyfriend".

"Ex-boyfriend". She corrected.

"Indeed, Ex-boyfriend". I started, "How did the whole break up happen? Was it a one-sided decision mayhaps?".

Jennie took a deep breath and sank back into the couch. "When you meet someone for the first time, and the connection happens. It almost seems like you two were destined to be together, and then time does it's part--by creating unneeded disclosures. Empty vows that you both promised to fill. And do you know what's even more funny?". Jennie paused, "It's when you both notice the bitter taste of hurt, and try to fake the smiles just to save a love.. that is yet to die".

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