too cold; for you here (part one)

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Lisa's POV

Living in Canada for a couple of years now, my sister has been bugging me to go to the Niagara falls. I've seen that view in my dreams, it was beyond beautiful. That view that will make me want to fall in love with.

But, who knows?


'That ass'. My thoughts were cut off short when my sister busted into my room like some FBI, agent shit. Why did she have to invade my privacy like that?

"Lisa!" Chaeyoung screamed, as I blinked at her. We are sisters by our mother, her father is Australian, and mine is Thai; so we don't look that much alike. "Lisa!".

I took a deep breath, remaining and choosing to stay calm, but her annoying voice already was irritating me. "Lisa!".

"What?!" I shouted back, not bothering if the neighbors heard how high my voice is. "I'm literally right in front of you, I don't know why you're screaming Chaeyoung".

"Jennie-" I cut the excited woman off. "Is pregnant?"

The bored expression on my face made her frown.

"No dumbass".

"She's here in Toronto!" She started to squeal like a little girl in a Barbie shop.

I sighed, and took a deep breath knowing what I'm going to say was gonna upset her and make her mad.

She's always an angry chipmunk for no reason.

"So? She is here and..?"

"Lisa you're.. ugh-"Chaeyoung stopped herself, and raised her hands up in surrender.

"I what?" I asked her innocently.

"You are annoying", she got up, upset—knowing that I will understand her obsession over Jennie Kim.

I didn't mean to see her sad though, I was just messing around with her sensitive ass.

"Chaeyoung I'm sorry.." She ignored me.


"Come on you sensitive ass, stop being so hurt about me being not interested in this Jennie girl". I said with all honestly.

Like, what is it that make people go crazy about Jennie?

"You just don't understand".

"Understand what?" I asked her curiously, but she shrugged it off, and wanted to leave but I pulled her back.

"I'm sorry alright?". I looked deep in her eyes, sincerity written all over my eyes.

"How do I make it up to you?" I asked her, a 'Please no' smile grazing my lips.

She hummed and muttered, "Let me think".

Chaeyoung made a thinking face and said "I have an idea!" She was excited. Excited didn't mean something good, it meant something evil—"Go to Jennie's concert with me?!"

My eyes widened, "What?".

"Come on Lisa, you know next week is my birthday" She pouted innocently giving me those puppy eyes that never work on me, at least that's what I thought.

"Nah, anything else?"

"Why don't you want to see Jennie?!" She started to raise her voice at me. Like why can't she just accept the fact that I'm not interested?

It wasn't just a concert, my sister bought two m&g and VIP backstage tickets. And that means, I will see her and meet her in person if I agree. Someone kill me please.

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