give me a chance

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I'm a typical high schooler, who enjoys hooking up— partying, and skipping class. I moved to Seoul with my mother after my father passed away since a young age.

So I promised myself, to take care of my mother and do what's best for us as a family.

I'm sort of in love with music— dancing specifically, and it's pretty much all I do. As I might say that I'm a senior this year, so excitement embraced me— just one more year and I will be done.

My phone started to ring, alarming me immediately.

I groaned in frustration and answered, "Who the hell is calling me this early?".

"Wake your long legs snoopy looking non existent ass up, I'm waiting outside". And well, that's Jisoo.

I rolled my eyes, "You are so impatient, I just woke up". I groaned and shoved my blankets to the side.

"You better get your ass right here before I leave you on your first day as a senior".

"Okay okay I'm coming". I huffed at how impatient she can be—and hung up on her as I picked up some clothes to wear immediately and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

Once I was done, I ran down the stairs. My mom was making coffee as she listened to soft music.

Thai music. Definitely a vibe.

"Morning mom" I greeted her softly and kissed her cheek.

"Morning Lalisa, Jisoo is waiting for you outside, get something to eat, and go before you're late".

"Bye mom, I love you". I shouted and took an apple.

"I love you too kiddo".

I smiled at my mom's sweetness—her words always gave me happy vibes.

"Would you stop day dreaming for a sec you snoopy".

Jisoo said and rolled down the window.

"Okay okay I'm here Jisoos".

Jisoo was the type of sister, that would tease you for life about something— yet care about you and take care of you and make you feel that you aren't alone with whatever you're going through.

We headed to school as Jisoo parked her car somewhere.

We saw Kai checking out every girl he saw, and it's only the first day at school. I mean, not saying I don't do the same— but it's only the morning and I'm a gentlewoman.

Girls are usually grumpy at this time, specially going to school.

'You can be a hard one too..'.

'Shut up Lisa'.

'But I am you, you dumb head'.

I sighed and made my way to my first class, I didn't want to be bothered this early by Kai's voice.

With a shrug Jisoo pushed me away from her as a goodbye. I chuckled and left to my destination.

And we aren't the affectionate type.

And I noticed that the students were the same, except some of them were new.. and not interesting.

The bell rang, meaning I should head to class.

First class; English.

Miss Watson greeted me and she pretty much didn't change that much. She was still pretty and looking magnificent as ever with her smile and accent.

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