love her; to the moon/ will she love me? (part two)

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Author's POV

Jennie knew that her world was prettier, but only when Lisa was by her side. When she managed to look in the man's eyes. The man that she once said she liked, the man that she used to think was the one for her— when she came to Lisa that night jumping in happiness, telling her that he finally asked her out, and yes she saw safety in him.

And Jennie knew that he was trying his best to make her happy. But, why was it so different when Lisa made her smile without even trying?

That's the problem.

Jennie found herself comparing the man beside her to her best friend Lisa. The grey clouds were passing by, and she wondered if Lisa was sleeping peacefully. Her heart aches for the closure of the of the other woman and she never understood why.

"Is everything alright?". The man beside her squeezed her hand, but Jennie's mood swings were totally becoming a turn off, as she sat in silence— desperate for her sudden needs.

The ice cream started to melt.

Just like the joy in her heart.

"Why don't you eat the ice cream? Don't you like it?". Jennie heard her partner; Kai speak, but she was deep in her thoughts— watching the ice cream melt in her own hands.

Back in memory; Jennie would have been smiling, laughing about some embarrassing story Lisa once recalled to her. She wouldn't be holding in her laughs— she would be surrounded with happiness.

Her point is, Lisa knew just the right way to make her happy without even trying.

"The ice cream is melting". The man said.

Jennie looked up at him and sighed, "I know".

"Do you want to go somewhere else?". He squeezed her hand.

"Yes". She simply answered.

His eyes lit up, "I can take you anywhere Jennie, we can go to Paris tomorrow or visit that museum you said you liked and—".

Jennie shrugged her head, "No, somewhere else as in home".

The look of disappointment that crossed his face was making her guilty. But, there wasn't much she can fake anymore.

"Why?". He started, "I've done everything to make you happy. Took you to the fanciest places you could think of and now after everything— you're telling me to take you home?".

The sarcastic remark and the anger on her partner's voice, made her roll her eyes.

"Home? And why is that?". He stood up.

"Because, that's where I belong".

"You want to go back home to your best friend? Lisa? Seriously?". His annoyance perked as he crossed his arms.

Jennie nodded.

"I knew something fishy was going on between you two".

Jennie snapped her head to his direction, "What?".

"The way she looks at you Jennie, do you think I'm that dumb to not notice?".

'The way she looks at me?'. Jennie's heart stopped, the way he said it made her become so curious. She have always thought that Lisa saw her as a friend and nothing more. That was one of the reasons she decided to ignore the tiny crush she had for her best friend.

Lisa never showed any slight of interest in her, at least that's what she thought.

"The way she holds you, the way you smile whenever she's around, and don't start with the best friend bullshit". He raised his finger to stop her, "Best friends don't get jealous, do they?".

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