The Next day

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"W-Woah. This place is a whole big universe altogether-- There's a lot of Sans' that I recognize here..." His sight slowly lingered to a group of names, making Error widen his eyes before snickering.

"Heh. So this place has t-their own groups huh." He murmured as his eyes moves to another name.

"I-Ink... b-bastard..." He muttered before taking a deep breathe. He decides to scroll down a bit before seeing his own name on the list.

... Just with the words 'DEAD' right under it...

"So I've already died here huh..." He sighed.

But then Error noticed that the timeline didn't have a name, so he decided to name it himself.

HunterVerse. Named after the guy he first met here.

This universe, consisted of Divisions. Where in each Division serve a company, or a government. Could be both too really. And that each one has its specialty and its specifics.

He flicked his finger right "I wonder how this timeline was hidden from my view... W-What the... Wh-Where are the r-rest of the timelines?!" He saw nothing on the list that consisted of mostly every AU that existed out there.

His finger stopped, Error now realizing the situation that he was in "M-Maybe I really am stuck here..." He murmured making his UI disappear and tried to make a small portal that he knew would go directly to UnderSwap.

All that showed was darkness. Error tried to place his arm forward but only felt a wall.

Error sighed, standing up from the bed. His wounds not creating any pain unlike yesterday.

Error took his now clean and stitched up jacket from the side of the bed and walked towards the door, hearing a bit of chatter on the other side.

"Look, I'll see what I can do by the end of the week. I know, I know, a month overdue but what do you expect? I'm trying to get by as it is. Right, out." Hunter places his phone to the side of his desk, slouching back on his seat.

Error raised an eyebrow, going back inside of the room.

He opened his UI again, now investigating Hunter's background. That looked like a big novel.

"So, he was an orphan who decided to train and work as one of the units from the Northern division. Huh. Divisions... Oh, Northern is one of the lowest ranks of them all. And that Hunter has a bit of a money issue from how much stuff he decided to do. No wonder too, that place barely even pays their officers more than their units." Error mumbled and took something out of his inventory.

After a moment, Error walked out of the room with a small pouch. Hunter seemed to be writing something on a few pieces of paper. Must be work.

While doing so, Error took a quick look around the place. The furniture all was wood, some were a bit chipped and that the walls were all Quartz. The floor was wood with a great shade too, implying that it's one of the best type out there.

"H-Hey Hunter..." Error spoke up, Hunter jumping a bit and turned around "Error! Wow, I'm surprised your up. Did the medicine work? They are meant for skeletons. I also have food ready on the table if you want to eat." He smiled with a faint green blush.

That was, until Error held the small pouch up "H-Here." He said giving it to him, Hunter eyed the pouch confused "What's this?" He takes it, Error shrugged "I've had this for awhile. Maybe you should open it to find out." He added motioning him to do as said.

Hunter shrugged and took a look inside.

He took a gold coin out from the stash that was inside and widened his eyes "What... Gold coins? These look like those old Ebott coins-- Are you saying..."

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