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Seeing as how the counterparts will encounter each other, everyone from Hunterverse will be called by their codenames excluding the Judge himself~

. . . 

''Are you going to listen to me now?'' 


''And you aren't going to do anything idiotic?''


''You're on my side?''

''Yes, Ink.''

''Good.'' Ink pats G's shoulder as he stood up, motioning him to stay put. He threw an empty vial to the side of the room right after and grabbed his paintbrush, leaving the room to find Dream right by the door. 

''I uh... I healed myself... I... What happened?'' Dream asked, holding his staff standing up to face Ink. In which, he shook his head ''I managed to make him talk. He said Error's missing. But this one, it isn't him. It's someone else entirely. I'm sure the real one is dead. Blue killed him himself.'' Ink mumbled, staring at Dream ''He... He did kill him...? Oh god...'' He looks down, Ink sighed ''What's wrong now?''

''I don't think I can do this Ink... I barely even know what happened today... right after I drank that beverage you gave me this morning before we left, I felt like I got dizzy. I remember some stuff. But I don't think I can remember the rest... Is Error even...'' He held the side of his skull. 

Ink grabbed something from his belt, it was another vial. The same one he used on G. He took the lid of and hovers it infront of Dream ''Drink this. It's going to help.'' He says, Dream eyed the container and shook his head ''I'm not thirsty... And besides, my magic is pretty stable right now. I should be fine for the time being--''

Dream was shoved to the wall, Ink pinning him ''Don't make me force you again.'' He ushered the vial to him and Dream shook his head, turning the other way ''I-Ink, what's gotten into you!? Stop!'' He yelled, Ink wasn't doing that. 

Shoving the vial to his mouth he forced him to drink it. Dream was overpowered, he couldn't budge one bit but could only struggle briefly before stopping.

''Sorry about that, guess I'm a bit impatient right now.'' Ink moves away from him, tossing the vial to the side as Dream breathes slowly, his yellow pupils turning into white ones  ''... Right. Sorry too. I wasn't thinking straight. What next? We find Error and take him down?'' He took a deep breathe, taking his staff from the floor.

''Yes. But remember, this isn't the Errror we know. He might not be able to use strings at all. If he relies on his gun, try to disarm him and kill him. No second thoughts. I don't care if he's from another timeline. Got it?''

''Got it...''

Ink nodded, hitting his chest softly as he smiled ''Alright. Now, G? Come on. Need your help.'' He moves to the door and opens it slightly saying, G walks out of the room with his gun on hold. His expression was plain. Just like Ink's.

''The moment you see him, you shoot him. That goes the same for you too Dream.'' He eyed his staff that was converting itself into a bow, Dream held it tightly ''Understood.'' 

. . .

''What the woooaaahhh!'' Hunter awed looking around the area, the snow was on the floor and was ontop of the trees too ''This is like, the fifth time i've seen snow! Cause like, I was so rarely positioned in places that snowed--'' 

''Hunter, do you mind?''


Error takes notice of the environment and groaned ''Ugh... W-We're at the outskirts of the city. Its probably a good 30 minute walk from there.'' He says, Hunter tilted his skull ''And where even are we? Are actually in a different timeline or something?'' He asked, Error nodded ''Yes, w-we are.''

Night rolled his eyes ''I don't really see it. This looks like the forest by Mount Ebott. We were just there a few days ago too.'' He places a hand on his hip disappointed. Error chuckled ''Yes, but that d-doesn't mean that this is a different world altogether, right?''

Night sighed disagreeing ''That isn't entirely convincing me. Error, If this is actually a prank and you just somehow managed to learn interdimensional magic I'd congratulations...''

Error chuckled ''So, h-how am I supposed to convince you two?'' He asked them, Hunter shrugged ''I'd like to see the other Error, that way I'm gonna be thinking if I drank something earlier.'' He jokes, Error snorted ''Sure you are. N-Now, do we teleport or what? Atleast with the time I was given my magic is back to normal.''

''Your magic is not even that big what do you mean...?'' Night mumbles turning to him,  Error shook his head ''I told you. I-I'm not Glitch. Now...'' He flicks his finger up to reveal his UI, checking to see the current status of his counter.

Error (Glitch)

Status: ALIVE



''What?! H-How!?'' Error stuttered grabbing the other two's attention, his thoughts scattered to how they even managed to find him as he checked to which members were on him. It was both Ink and Dream. Him now realizing to how he was found.

''Ink has a UI too... if he m-managed to get in contact with G... Then it should have notified him about him being a glitch within the timeline... If Ink saw him up close, he'll be c-caught no matter what he does...''  Night noticed his panicked look, him coming closer to him and shook him ''What's wrong?'' He asked and Error took his arm and Hunter's ''Eh!? What's going on?'' 

''We are teleporting there! That's what!'' 

. . .

''Error? What the fuck? Where are you?'' Nightmare held the phone tightly, waiting for the other's answer.

''Nightmare?! It's you! Uh... I was at G's place. He gave me his phone and well, I need help.''

''Got it. Stay put.'' 

''I found you.''

''Who--? HOW?!'' 

A loud shot rang out before it hung up, Nightmare let go of the phone as it fell down to the side, placing his two hands to the side of his skull as he breathes in and out ''He's... He's alive... Ink, god damn it...'' He huffs, Blue now being lowered until he was standing properly.

''I told you he is! We need to find him--''

Nightmare pushes past him ''You stay here. I don't want any screw ups.'' He muttered before going down the stairs. Blue shook his head and followed running ''W-Wait, I wanna go too! You know where he is?''

Nightmare turns to him briefly ''He's the one who called from G's phone. I can only assume that G is in trouble too. You three! Get up! We're going to Mafiatale.'' He shouted passing through and Dust stood up ''Nightmare. You believe Blue?'' 

For a moment, Nightmare looked hesitant. He nodded ''I do. In the matter of fact, Error called just a minute ago saying he's at G's. I overheard Ink, expect a fight. Let's go.'' He tells him, Horror stood up ''He fucking did? Why are we still here then!? Cross!'' 

Cross stayed seated, his scarf over his mouth. He eyed the four tired and shook his head ''I... I can't. I'll stay here... I can't think straight right now. Just go.'' He mumbled. Nightmare scoffed ''Damn it, let's just go!'' Nightmare ran out the door, creating a portal outside as he went through. Disappearing.

Dust coughed ''This is going to be messy I can tell.'' He comments before running out then through the portal, Horror was silent on the other hand but did the same, grumbling something then followed.

Blue saw the portal closing and jumped in the last minute. 

Creating new errors (Hunterverse)Where stories live. Discover now